Chapter 3

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Niall POV

~After school~

I walk out the doors of the school and into the parking lot to find Harry. I see Harry leaning against a black Mercedes with some dark shades covering his features. I can't help but stare at him. His jawline is sharp as a knife and right now it's cutting through my heart.

Okay just kidding, he just looks really good and I am about to hang out with him and hope this doesn't turn out too awkward.

"H-hey Harry," I stutter out.

"Hey, ready to go?"

"Y-yea," I respond.

The drive to Harry's was very awkward. Harry turned on the volume just to have some type of sound filling the air. Move by Little Mix starts playing and I can't help but tap my fingers along to the beat.

"You like this song?" Harry laughs while keeping his eyes on the road.

"Uh kinda I guess,"

"Then lets sing, shall we?" Harry starts to turn up the volume and smiles so wide I can see his dimples.

I just smile and sit in my seat watching Harry try to snap to the beat. The song is about to end so Harry starts to sing along motioning for me to join him.

I finally join in on the last few lines:

"DON'T YOU KNOW A GIRL LIKES A BOY WHO MOOVVEESSSS!!" we hold the last word out until we're out of breath and panting.

Harry and I are both laughing hysterically as we pull into his driveway. I open the car door and climb out with Harry and we head toward the door. Harry smirks at me as he opens the door to let me in.

"Thanks," I smile at him and he leads me up the stairs.

"Take a seat anywhere you like and welcome to Stylesville," Harry sits in his rolly chair at his desk and spins around as he tries to make the entrance into his room more exciting.

"Why thank you Mr. Styles," I laugh at Harry trying to be super proper, he's such a dork.

"My pleasure Mr. Horan," he responds bowing slightly and I giggle like a little girl.

"So shall we begin on the project?" I suggest.

"Eh, fine," Harry responds with a small pouty face.

~1 hour of working on the project~

"Wow, we are never going to finish this. I give up." I say exhaling deeply.

"Me too, let's just call it a night then," Harry says getting up from his chair and laying on his bed.

"Ugh I'm starving," I say holding my stomach and leaning back pretending to die from starvation.

"Oh shit, I forgot about dinner. Wanna go out somewhere tonight?" Harry asks.

"Well it's a little early in our realationship to go on our first date, but whatever you're into I guess," I say smirking, suddenly feeling extremely confident.

"I-I meant-I-uh," Harry starts to get extremely flustered and I can't help but laugh.

"Harry, I'm just kidding, I know you're striaght," I smile weakly at him.

"I-uh yea, wait are you not? I mean like not straight?" Harry asks.

"Well, I guess that depends on if you're a homophobic asshole or not," I say matter-of-factly.

"What? Of course not! Wait, so you are uh gay?" Harry asks.

"I don't know I guess so, I haven't really found a girl or boy I'm exactly interested in, but I've thought about guys in that way before..." Way to go Niall, you just made this a lot more awkward than it was supposed to be. Well there goes my confidence.

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