chapter 18

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Dedicated to niall_theBae13 for being pretty much my only commenter!

Niall POV

Harry just kicked me out of his hospital room. I would not have expected that.

I really wasn't sure if I was in love with Harry. We barely just started talking. How could I just automatically know if I'm in love with someone? Sure, I had a small crush on Harry, but who doesn't? He's hot!

I sit in the waiting room, lost in my thoughts, until someone comes up to me.

"Hey Niall!" I look up and see a pair of brown eyes staring down at me.

"Hey Liam," I mumble, I'm not really in the mood to talk to him right now.

"Look, Niall, I'm sorry for punching Harry, but he just started sticking his tongue down your throat! You didn't even stop him!" Liam whisper-yelled.

"I know, I'm sorry Li, it just caught me off guard," I half-heartedly respond.

"It's okay, just don't do it again, okay?" Liam asks and raises an eyebrow hopefully.

"Okay," I say.

"So, how about we get out of here?" Liam asks.

I nod and follow him out the hospital doors.

"Where are we going?" I question.

"We can head down town, if you want?" Liam smiles while talking to me, it would be impossible for me to break up with this boy!

"Ya, that sounds fun," I smile back at him.

"Alright, let's go then!"


Short chapter, but I'm updating twice!

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