chapter 12

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Sorry haven't updated in a while! Please vote and comment! BTW there is niam in this chapter, so sorry, it's not narry...YET. Thank you!

Niall POV

It's Tuesday night and I'm waiting for Liam to come over and pick me up. I'm so excited, I feel like jumping 20 feet in the air. I love poetry! Call me a hipster, but it's true.

Liam should be here any minute. I'm so glad I met him, he's been a great distraction from harry. Since I started getting closer to Liam, Harry hasn't even come close to me. I don't really think about him much either, except at night. Sometimes, well a lot of the time, I sit I'm my bed and turn on the Smiths really loud and start crying into my pillow, but it's good to cry sometimes. I will get over it, I already feel like I almost am, thanks to Liam.

I hear a honk outside my house and I grab my shoulder bag and run out the door. Thos is going to be a rally fun night! Just me, Liam, and poetry. How could things get better?

I walk out to see Liam in the driver seat of a really nice black sports car, "Hey Ni!"

"Woah! Liam, nice car! You look different too." My jaw is basically falling off my mouth at this point, Liam looked super different! He looked...HOT.

"Haha, ya, I tend to try and look a little less dorky for these kind of things. Being a curly-haired nerd all the time isn't exactly the greatest way to look..." Liam awkwardly says while scratching the back of his neck.(see chapter pic for what he looks like)

"I think you look good either way," I blurt out and start to blush once I realize what I said.

"Thanks Ni, you're not bad yourself," Liam grins and reaches over to ruffle my hair around.

Liam turns on the radio and 'Geek in the Pink' comes on. I start humming along until we finally reach downtown. Liam points out the little underground bar where the slam is at and I can feel a lump of excitement build up in my throat.

Liam parks the car and rushes around to open the door for me, "Well thank you," I say and Liam playfully bows.

I laugh as we walk to the entrance of the building. We go toward the back of the slightly crowded room and find a tall-table to sit at. I look around and see people in exotic outfits and urban clothing. This is amazing! So hipster...I love it!

I catch Liam staring at me with a stupid looking smile plastered against his face, the kind that's so lazy it's comforting and there's a soft crinkle next to his eye.

"What are you smiling at?" I say and I can't help but smile a little myself.

"Just you." Liam says with the same smile on his face.

"What about me?" I giggle.

"You're perfect, Niall. You're always able to look so happy and you get excited over the simplest things." Liam shakes his head as he speaks with an even bigger smile.

"Ugh stop," I start to blush and hide my face.

"Ni, the first poet is about to go up!" Liam taps me, so I look back up at the stage.

A tall, skinny man walks up to the little stage wearing a vintage band t-shirt and ripped jeans. I watch as he pulls out a tiny folded paper.

He clears his throat and begins,

"Hello, I'm Nathan and I'm going to read a poem I wrote about my brother,"

Shouldn't you be the one I look up to?
Why do you say you hate me?
I've tried
And tried
And tried
Yet I've just gotten worse
Will you ever love me?

Everyone snaps in applause and he bows his head slightly then steps off the stage.

Many others go up on stage and recite poems they've written about siblings, parents, exes, school, love, and many other things, but what really gets my attention is when Liam starts to get up.

"Hey Li-" I try to speak, but Liam is already off and walking to the mic.

"Hello, I'm Liam Payne, and I wrote this poem about a very special friend of mine," Liam looks at me while speaking and winks.

Liam clears his throat and begins,

Your name sounds calm like a body of water,
No wonder your name is a river.
We only started talking a short time ago
But you really are something.
I love the way you laugh
The way you're interested in things
And the way you get excited over everything.
I love you, mate.

I feel myself blush as he walks back to me, "Wow, Liam."

"I know, it was lame, sorry." Liam says and awkwardly scratches the nape of his neck again.

"No! I loved it! Thank you...that's the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me." I say truthfully, it really was the sweetest thing anyone has done for me.

"Anything for you, Ni." Liam grins at me.


Liam drives me back home and it's almost 11pm, good thing my mom has a nigh shift or she would flip.

"Thank you so much for an amazing night, Liam. I really enjoyed it." I thank Liam before getting out of his car.

"No problem, well see ya tomorrow, Ni!" Liam says.

"Bye Li-" I'm quickly interrupted by Liam.

"Wait...Niall?" Liam says.

"Yes?" I answer feeling a little confused.

"I uh, I had a really fun time tonight and I just wanted to let you know...ugh damn." Liam says and places his hand on his forehead.

"Spit it out Li!" I chuckle.

"Ireallyamstartingtolikeyouandijustdo-" Liam rambles.

"Woah woah woah, Liam, English please?" I laugh again.

"I said I really like you, but I don't want to ruin our friendship by saying it, but I already did, so I'm sorry, I'm aw-" I cut him off by placing my lips on his.

"Shut up," I say as I pull back.

Liam looks just as shocked as I feel.

What the hell did I just do, I don't even like Liam! In all honesty I only think of him as a friend! How do I always get myself into this kind of shit?

We sit in silence before I decide to get out, "Well, see ya tomorrow, Liam!" I wave at him and walk through my door, leaving him sitting there with his eyes wide open.

This is not going to turn out good.

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