Chapter 2: The kidnapping

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Hi everyone!

Here a new chapter at last for the story I wrote for meteor_heaven !

I add a little surprise for  Dr-Cokebottles  lindaisfangirling and some people I might have forgotten (you'll will quickly understand what I'm talking about - I hope so!)

Enjoy ! I hope you won't be disappointed...

There is indeed two surprise for you, lindaisfangirling



Chapter 2: The kidnapping

The sun rose recently. Shancai, sitting at the waterfront, remained motionless because she was afraid that a single move broke the spell. She wanted to become one with every blade of grass, with the soil and the air.

She waited for nature to wake up while sunray came to stroke her skin tenderly. Her mouth ajar, her heart racing, she saw the water shimmered then shone then the flowers' petals bloomed slowly. Just after, the birds' song, the insects' buzz and some wild mammals' calls rose in the air.

What she was waiting for appeared at last. Holding her breath, she spotted the almost imperceptible figures with discreet bright halo coming from below the petals then they rose gracefully aloft. Her heart fluttered while her body leaned forward unconsciously like a bee attracted by pollen.

A simple human eye couldn't differentiate them from insects living in the park, but Shancai had not always been a human. With a lot of patience, perfect immobility and her eyes wide opened, she knew she could discern them. She loved to be by their sides all day long, with her ex-family, brothers, and sisters from her blood and her heart.


More than a year ago, she was still one of them and her mind as much as her body still remembered it. Shancai wasn't a fairy anymore, but she wasn't really a human either. That loss of identity hurt her even if, most of the time, she tried to not think about it.

She perceived two figures approaching her, circling her head as a greeting. She smiled at them, on the verge of tears, a lump in her throat because of emotion when she recognized Lizhen and Qinghe. She often missed her two friends. Sometimes, she wanted to hear their continuous bickering again, to see them flirting with each other without daring to admit their feelings.

But, truth to be told, when she was still a fairy, she sometimes felt like a third wheel with them and, then, she missed Xiaoyou. Today, she had her best friend again by her side, and she treasured every moment she shared with her. But she lost the fresh and joyful presence of her two other best friends, and now, she missed them as well.

The two fairies lingered for a moment, as they wanted to talk to her or watch her a little longer. So, Shancai thought it was possible; after all, they also missed her.

She knew she didn't regret – not even for one second – her choice to remain a human. She deeply loved Daoming Si, and she couldn't imagine her life without him. She wanted to wake up every morning by his side, to spend all the day with him, to laugh with him, to touch him, to kiss him, to talk with him for hours then to end every day lying next to him and holding his hand.


While she watched the luminous procession of fairies toward the biggest and the most ancient tree of the park, she couldn't help but sigh. She saw clearly the council room, the queen Jing, elegant in her dress made with white hibiscus flower petals. The princess Xiaozi, with her dress designed with colored flowers, should whirl around her, impatient to start, eager to finish, impatient like always, tapping her foot discreetly with an annoyed look.

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