Chapter 3: The investigation

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Hi everyone!

Thank you to support me with that story! I'm so happy!

Thank you again lindaisfangirling for your gorgeous cover!

I hope you'll enjoy that new chapter!

Chapter 3: The investigation

A slight glow in the sky announced the coming sunrise when everything remained silent in the park. However, some sporadic noises testified that some living beings did live here; light insects' sounds, calls of animals and nocturnal birds still awaken, and the hiss of water everywhere.

Xiaoyou and Shancai were motionless, waiting for the queen Jing to come. Without realizing it, Shancai held her breath, her heart racing, anxious and thrilled at the same time. She fussed with the mere idea of becoming a fairy again.

She was eager to have wings again on her back. She wanted to feel some magic from the tips of her toes to the roots of her hair. She wished to meet her ex-family again and be what she was on her birth. But, on the other hand, she was afraid.

She couldn't help but think about her husband. He was usually so confident, arrogant, proud, ready to do everything to get what he wanted. But, the day before, he was like a little child, weak, lost, and distressed. She still had the feeling of his body shaking in her arms while he said with a tiny voice that he didn't want to lose her.

She didn't want to lose him either. She was deeply anxious because she was afraid not to be able to turn back into human and she couldn't enjoy becoming a fairy again. Even if Jing was reassuring, this fear tightened her guts, wrenched her heart. If she were separated from Daoming Si, it would be like divested the Earth of the sunrays and the peaceful presence of his Moon.

She realized she needed Daoming Si on her side, now. She immediately regretted she didn't ask him to escort her and she couldn't slip her hand in his to feel the comforting warmth of his palm against her fingers. She closed her eyes, breathed deeply to calm down.

Next to her, Xiaoyou seemed calmer than usual; her natural cheerfulness had deserted her face momentarily. Shancai was sure that her friend thought about Ximen, having the same thoughts and regrets than her.

But it was too late.

Sunrays began to pierce, awaking the nature around her. At the same time, Shancai spotted something glowing above them, between the weeping willow's branches, hidden from people's eyes thanks to the curtain of leaves.

An ordinary human's eye would have seen a hibiscus flower floating above his head, but Shancai and Xiaoyou recognized their sovereign's dress. Without consulting with each other, they bowed down in one fluid motion, coordinating their moves perfectly. A second later, Shancai heard her phone ringing, and she answered the video call. The queen's face appeared; "Shancai, Xiaoyou, I'm going to sprinkle you with fairy dust. Please, think to spread it on your clothes so that it follows you in your transformation!"

Shancai deeply blushed with that last comment. She clearly remembered what happened when she turned into a human, her dress made with lily of valley's leaves lying on the ground while she stood, fully naked, in front of a mesmerized Daoming Si.

"No problem, we won't forget it," Xiaoyou answered with a tense voice.

Shancai tilted her head on one side and observed her friend. She saw her cheeks reddening, and there was no doubt that Xiaoyou had lived the same experience. They looked at each other, nodded, and told Jing they were ready.

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