Chapter 4 : The Blue Fairy

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Hi eveybody!

Here a new chapter for fairies 2.0 and the end of the kidnapping episode.

Thank you again lindaisfangirling for your gorgeous cover!

Again, I hope you'll like my surprise  Dr-Cokebottles lindaisfangirling rainingmeteors hongdousha




Chapter 4: The Blue Fairy

There was a moment of silence where everybody only heard Shancai typing on her keyboard. Lei remained petrified in front of Shancai's mobile phone, while memories came back. He felt thousands of conflicting feelings, and he began to shake, utterly lost. Jing kept staring at him, mute because of the shock, their both hearts beating in unison without they knew it.

Ximen was the first to realize there was something wrong. He looked up and saw his friend contemplating Mrs. Daoming's smartphone, then frowned and elbowed Xiaoyou to show her that strange sight. Meizuo, who noticed their dialogue, called Lei. "Hey, is there a problem?"

Lei startled, blushed, paled, then brushed his face, then his hair with a shaking her, also drawing Daoming Si's attention. The three other F4's members looked at each other, bewildered. It was rare to see the young virtuoso in such a state of nervousness.

Shancai, who still didn't look up from her computer screen, utterly unaware of what was going on, asked; "Who is calling?"

Xiaoyou, worried when she saw the young man's expression, added; "Is there a problem, Lei?"

The musician came down to Earth and shook his head; "No, no." He answered, scratching his nape. "It's – it's –"

Noticing he was utterly lost, Xiaoyou helped him. "Is it our queen, Jing?"

Blushing even more, Lei nodded. Xiaoyou took the phone from his hands with a comforting smile. "Give it to me; I'm going to take over." She said softly.

While the young woman greeted her queen, Lei collapsed on an armchair, white as a sheet. Immediately, Meizuo, Ximen, and Daoming Si, all worried, came closer to enquire about his health and state of mind. They put their hands on his shoulders, asked him many questions in a low voice, but no words came from Huaze Lei's lips.

As for Xiaoyou, she was facing a fairy queen disturbed utterly and destabilized. Jing seemed to daydream, her face paler than usual, and she had nervous tics, which contrasted with her constant calmness.

"Did you receive some bad news?" Xiaoyou asked, alarmed by her sovereign's behavior.

Her question seemed to wake up Jing, who shook her head and grinned at her. "No, no, everything is fine, I'm just a little tired. My sister's disappearance upsets me."

Xiaoyou nodded; the queen's explanation was relevant. Anyway, she didn't have the opportunity to ask more questions. Shancai, unaware of what was going on around her, just stood up, exclaiming noisily, making everybody startle; "FINALLY!!! I FIND IT!!!"

Still, without looking at them, she continued to talk as everybody reunited again around her, Xiaoyou brandishing her mobile phone for Jing to see what was going on. Shancai had opened a website with a black background where "K&K" letters appeared in an almost blinding white. Behind, we could scroll many young men's pictures with the black and white uniform and, in the middle, was the picture of a man in black with a moody look.

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