Why him... (BakuDeku)

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Recently Bakugou has been having nightmares and waking up at midnight, on top of that he has been having trouble falling back asleep. Tonight specifically he decided to go down to the kitchen in the U.A dorms and make himself a cup of tea. To his surprise, he found Deku wide awake sitting in the kitchen silently crying while sipping tea and writing in what Bakugou perceived as a notebook.  

"Shitty nerd, why are you still awake?" Bakugo says aggressively while leaning on the doorframe. 

"Ah, nothing Kacchan," Midoriya says while quickly wiping the tears off his face, he stood up grabbed his mug and notebook and began to leave. Before he could do so Bakugou grabbed his wrist.

"K-k-kacchan," Midoriya stutters his face now turning a slight shade of pink. Once Bakugou got a good look at Midoriya's face he realized he had been crying for a while, his face was puffy and full of red streaks. 

"D-Deku what the fuck is wrong?" Bakugou asked stuttering, getting nervous.

Midoriya goes wide-eyed a million thoughts were running through his head at once, is Kacchan worried about me? 

"Umm, nothing Kacchan," Midoriya says rubbing the back of his neck nervously. 

"Deku I'm not a fucking idiot, I know you are upset so just tell me about it and I'll tell you why I am awake at this hour as well," Bakugou says blushing furiously. 

"K-kacchan, could we go somewhere more private...please," he says the last part in almost a whisper. 

"Tch, whatever nerd," Bakugou says trying to calm himself down. 

Bakugou once again grabbed Midoriya's wrist and they sat down in the stairwell. Midoriya kept his gaze on the floor already feeling his face getting hot and his vision beginning to get blurry. 

"K-kacchan I-I-I,"  Midoriya starts unable to finish due to the wet streaks he begins to feel run down his face. 

Bakugou was taken aback when he saw Midoriya begin to cry once again. 

"Dek- Izuku I'm not letting you go until you tell me what's fucking wrong," despite the harsh words Bakugou's tone was nowhere near aggressive. On the contrary, it was calm and almost had a concerned tone as well. To say the least, Midoriya was shocked at the way Bakugou had responded to him, with a face that was definitely in deep thought. 

"M-m-my dad..." Midoriya says in a whisper, "He's coming home..." the small frail boy hides his face in his lap. Bakugou hastily grabs Midoriya's hand. At that moment Midoriya's head snapped up to see Bakugou's face with a concerned look, that Izuku has never seen in his entire life. 

"Izuku, why don't you want your dad to come home?" Bakugou says rubbing his other free hand on his neck. 

"He has done some things that I can never forgive him for..." Midoriya says mumbling the last part. 

"What did he do? Did he hurt you?" Bakugou says with a fearful look in his eyes.

"Sometimes...since I was quirkless he didn't want me. My mom tried to defend me from my dad, but...I-I-I," Bakugou couldn't bear knowing that on top of Midoriya's dad hitting him he had to deal with his dumbass bullying him. 

Bakugou put his other free hand and rested it on Midoriya's cheek, wiping off the tears he know he has caused to roll down the other boy's face many times in their life. 

"K-kacchan..." Midoriya whispers blushing.

"Ah, s-sorry," Bakugou stuttered beginning to pull his hand away from Izuku cheek. 

"It's fine, it's comforting," Izuku says grabbing Katsuki's hand wrapping it around his shoulders leaning into the explosive boy he loved so much. 

"O-oh okay," Katsuki says holding on to Izuku with the reddest face you have ever seen him have while not being angry. 

After a couple of minutes of comforting silence, Izuku was the one who eventually broke the silence. 

"Why are you still awake Kacchan, you promised you'd tell me," Izuku said with a smile that made Bakugou's heart just melt whether he liked it or not. 

"I had a nightmare, I couldn't sleep so I came down to make some tea, but instead I found you," he said leaning his head against Izuku's. 

"The powerful Kacchan, being afraid you sure you aren't lying," Izuku asked with a giggle. 

Katsuki chuckled one that made Midoriya's heart flutter. 

"Nope, I swear all true...I just dreamt of losing someone I love, which is kind of ironic because I'm not even sure he likes me back." 

Katsuki tried to read Izuku's expression after he indirectly confessed to the one he loves.  

"Who couldn't love Kacchan?" Izuku responded giggling.

"Many people, for one I was an asshole to you yet you continued to follow me and care for me after everything I've done. For christ's sake Izuku I told you to go kill yourself in middle school," Bakugou says squeezing the other boy's hand. 

"Kacchan," Izuku sighed. "I forgave you because I know the real you, whether you want to admit or not. You are a strong, independent, hard-working, most handsome guy I know. And yeah you are a little rough around the edges, but I think that's what I like about you the most. That like any human you are flawed." 

Kastuki was left speechless, how could a man as wonderful as him even begin to forgive him for all the horrible things he has put him through in the past. Kastuki couldn't keep his secret any longer and in a spur of the moment, he confessed. 

"Izuku... I-I like you," he says looking away from the soft greenette boy in his arms.  

The small boy giggled, blushing. 

"Kacchan, I never thought you would ever like someone like me, but here I am with you always seeming to surprise me," he says moving his body to the point where he is now facing the explosive boy he loves so much. 

In the heat of the moment, Katsuki placed his hand back onto Izuku's faced and pulled them forward into the best kiss he has ever experienced. It was warm and full of emotion; love, passion, warmth, sadness and happiness all rolled up into one moment. 

When they pulled apart they looked at each other in a peaceful silence until Izuku broke it. 

"Kacchan... please be mine," he says in a whisper. 

"Fucking idiot I am already yours, I always have been," he says having a soft smile rest on his lips. 

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