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As I walked into my house, I heard the yelling of my parents again. And it was always about me. No, not one of my parents love me, yet they constantly fight over me. It blows my mind actually.

"Trust me Dave, I don't want her here either, so don't act like I'm holding us back! Your the one who is to much of a pussy to take us away from her!" My mom screams at my dad.

"Me?! Is it really me Laura! You think I want that fat ass piece of shit on the same planet as me?! No! I don't because she is worthless! She doesn't do anything!" My dad screams back.

"Okay, Dave, we should stop yelling." My mom says, I wait by the corner of the room, watching them carefully in the shadows. "We just, we gotta put her somewhere. We can leave her to die."

"Why not?" Mg dad asks.

My eyes start to well up with tears. I cross my arms over my chest, and I let them fall freely over my slightly pink cheeks. "Do I really mean that little to y-you?" My voice cracks at the end, the lump in my throat rising.

My parents remain silent, yet my dad looks angry. "Are you saying that if I jumped off a cliff, you wouldn't care... At all?" I ask.

"To me," My dad starts to say, and I already know what happens next, but I am not ready to hear it. "You are WORTHLESS!" My dad screams at me.

"So you were just pack up and leave?" I ask them, my dad is fuming by now. And what happens next, all seems to be so slow, like a matrix, only I don't do a cool trick, and I don't make it out.

My dad charges at me, he pushes me back so I'm on the ground. His fist raises up high, and then connects with my face. The blood trickles down my face, and his fist connects with my face again, causing more blood to gush out. He is taken off of me by my mothers sweet delicate hands that seem to sooth him. And I lay unconscious on the floor.

I walk up in the same spot that I was in the floor when my dad hit me. The house is starting to be boxed up, plastic on everything.

"W-what are you doing?" I ask my mom who walks right past me, I truly am unimportant.

"Huh? Oh. We're moving." She says. My head start to pound even more, and I can feel my eyes throbbing, along with my lip, and a small trickle of blood down my chin.

"All of us, or you guys?" I ask her.

She sighs loudly, as if I have annoyed her. "Me and your dad."

"So your just going to pack up my life and then leave me here to die?" I ask, the tears start to spill again, only to realize the truth.

"Well... yes. I mean what are we suppose to do with you Kayla? What do you do in this family besides eat and do nothing?" My mom asks me.

"Mom.. I don't eat food. I haven't eaten food in 2 months. And I'm almost never home for you to know what I'm doing. So you can't just take all my stuff and leave with it, leaving me to die!" I yell at her.

"Okay, I have had about enough of you, you unimportant fat ass skank. If I want to leave you die, I will. Because I hate you!" She screams at me.

My dad, when I was 12, told me that he hated me, and that he wished I was never born. My mom, I could always tell she hated me just the same, yet she never said anything until right now. Right fucking now.

"Tell me something I don't already know." I said, about to walk upstairs.

Just as I was halfway there, I heard my mom. "you know what?! You can go die you little worthless bitch."

All I ever wanted in life was to be loved, was to feel safe and wanted by someone. But honestly, I don't think anyone ever will. I don't matter. I mean, who am I to think that it's okay to be me?

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