(T) Chapter 7: Confused and Hopeless

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I woke up and found myself standing on the grounds of the MacMillan Estate.

No, this can't be a trial, right?

Is the vacation already over? Damnit, what should I do now?

I wandered around, trying to find anything that could help me explain, what's going on.

Where is Evan? Where is Dwight? Where are they?

"Anybody here?"

I yelled out loudly, only to get no response.

"Evan. Where are you?"

I was all alone, noone was there. I kept wandering around until I saw a familiar sight.

A generator. This proved it. The trials were beginning again. No. I want to go back to Evan and Dwight. Maybe if I run out the exit gate, I can get back.

So I got over to the generator and sat down, repairing it until I heard a heartbeat.

No, i'm not alone.

I quickly left the generator and hid behind a rock. The heartbeat was getting stronger and when I peeked out to see the killer, I was shocked.


I got out of my hiding spot and ran towards him to hug him but I jumped back, when he turned to me and slashed at me with his cleaver. Luckily I dodged the hit and didn't get injured.

"Evan, what are you doing?"

I didn't get an answer and he brought his cleaver down again, this time hitting me in the shoulder. I cried out in pain. I began running, while holding my injured shoulder. I found a pallet and threw it down on him, making him grunt upon impact.

"Evan, why? Why are you doing this?"

He still didn't answer me and just stomped on the pallet, breaking it. I continued running into an house, got upstairs and stopped infront of the open window. If I would jump now I would break my neck. I turned around and saw Evan slowly going towards me and I closed my eyes, letting myself fall through the window.

I heard a crack before I shot my eyes wide open, screaming in pain. I couldn't move anymore and Evan jumped after me before picking me up. I tried to wiggle free but then I saw a hook in the distance.

"Evan, stop. Don't hook me. Please don't. I don't want to be sacrificed."

He ignored my pleas and hooked me. The hook ran through the flesh of my shoulder and I cried out in pain. Then, when I was hanging there I stared at Evan in disbelief.

He hooked me...I can't believe it. I thought that Evan would spare me with the hooks but he betrayed me.

"Why, Evan? Why?"

He still looked at me without any signs of regret or remorse. He just stood there, waiting for me to be sacrificed.

"I thought you loved me..."

My heart was broken. Evan betrayed me. I thought he cared...but he only cares for his trials now...

"After everything we did together, you sacrifice me to the Entity?"

The claws of the entity appeared and I looked at them shocked. They were trying to stab me but I reacted quickly by grabbing the claw and fighting against it.

I didn't want to let him sacrifice me but the more I struggled, the harder it got to keep up.

Evan still didn't change his gaze. He was still staring at me, watching me struggle for my life and my energy was slowly coming to an end.

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