Chapter 1

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There's arguing. Vanellope and Shank are sitting on Shank's car hood, discussing...loudly.

"Shank, why? This is so lame. I don't need school! I have cars, and racing, and you!"

"Listen, V. You remind me a lot of myself when I was your age, but I know what I'm doing. You need this thing Yesss told me about, social interaction. Cool, huh?"

"NO. And social interaction? Barf. I don't wanna leave, though! Please, Shank, don't make me leave! " Vanellope begged. She gives Shank her very biggest puppy dog eyes. That ought to do the trick.

"You really don't get it, do you? You are signed up and no refunds! We're on the last step, come on, V, cooperate! Who would you like your host family to be?" She pleaded.

Vanellope groaned. " How am I supposed to know, as I remind you, I know literally no one there?"

Shank rolled her eyes. " Good point. Oh, it says here if you don't know, list ideal traits of who you want."

"Whatever. Let's see. Umm...someone funny, my age, good at pranks, gets in trouble a lot, oh, and the most important thing. They need to be the fastest of the fast." She listed off the top of her head.

"...good at pranks...14-ish... got it. But Van, they aren't going to have someone who has all that, you have to lower your expectations a bit. Like, you could say-" The computer site dinged. Vanellope looked over her shoulder, to see the computer that stated: Match found. Shank's face was priceless." But-how-that's impossible- never mind. Well, this is great, kid! Look! Dashiel Robert Parr! Family of five, mom, dad, older sister, blah blah blah, huge house, top of the track team! V, this is perfect!" She exclaimed.

"I'm not buying it. It's a total hack, you see." She rolled her eyes. "Besides, I'm still not goin-"

"Aaand done! They'll give you two hours to pack, we can go for one last race, and you take the portal to the high school! Oh V, I'm so happy for you! And this kid, Dashiel, you two would make such a cute couple!" She laughs for two minutes straight.

" Eweeweweweweweweww! Shank, are you Yesss in disguise or something?" She said, looking pretty disgusted.

"Maybe. Either way, I'm gonna kick your butt in this race." She jumps into her convertible, closely followed by Vanellope.

"You wish. Lets pick up my ride and...leave?" She looks at the floor nervously. Shank notices, and looks briefly at her.

"Listen. You're gonna do great there. The family wouldn't have accepted if they didn't want you, right? Just be your cute self and you'll do fine. Besides, it's only required for three months, unless you want to stay longer, of course." She said the last part slyly.

"SHANK. Stop."

"Alright, alright." They took a nice hour long speed limit breaking race, packed for a while, then said some very emotional goodbyes. 

"BYE, V!!!"

"We'll see you in three months!"

" You'll do great!"

"Don't forget to call us every weekend, okay, kid?"

Shank and Vanellope drove to the exit of Slaughter Race, and came to a stop.

"This is as far as I can take you, V." She sighed.

"I-I know." Shank saw her nervousness and laughed.

"You're sweating the small stuff. It's just three months, you can visit, it'll be really fun, if not at first. I promise, okay? I just wish I had your choice when I was growing up."

"Thanks, Shank. Want me to say hi to Yesss for you? I'll tell her you're madly in love with her..."


Grinning, Vanellope ran through the portal.

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