Chapter 4

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Author's note

Hey to my thirty viewers! Thank you so much for taking a peek at this story, it's my first one and I know it sucks, but thank you anyways. This chapter took so long for me to finish, even though it's not particularly long, mainly because I was busy getting yelled at for flunking out of school. Also, pleasepleaseplease try and give me some comments, I really like hearing what you guys think! Please enjoy the chapter, I'll try and write author's notes from now on. Also, I added a Violet chapter, she's going to be very sarcastic. Bye for now,


Anxiously, Dash picked up the phone. 

"Heey mom..." 

"Dash, sweetie, are you alright? She didn't run you over, did she?"

"Mooom. Of course not. I ran her over, remember." 

Helen clicked her tongue. "Dash, did you tell her about the...sleeping arrangements?"

"Duh, mom, I'm not stupid. Also she knows we are supers. Whoops."

"DASH-Wha- okay, we'll talk about this later. Where are you, anyway? We're already at the house." He heard Violet snicker in the background. " Did we beat him, the so called fastest kid ever?" 

Vanellope's POV 

She saw Dash's face redden at that comment. How cute. No, she thought. NOT CUTE. She knew him for literally less than a day, why was he making her feel this way?( Haha I rhymed, you are welcome.) She tried to focus on what was going on around her, but she kept getting distracted by his bright blue eyes and his slicked back blond hair, which somehow looked like he put no effort into looking good. "I'll bet all the girls and guys like him." she thought bitterly. Time to stop obsessing, she decided. She focused on what he was saying.

"....I know the face id is only for emergencies, mom, but I just thought-" He hesitated, listening. "WHAT?!" he roared, and she took a step back, a wee bit shocked. "GROUNDED?! MOM, ARE YOU CRAZY?" She was getting pretty tired of this, so she tapped him on the shoulder.

"Erm...Dash?" she asked cautiously.

"Oh, sorry, V-can I call you V? I call Violet Vi, so it won't get confusing." Vanellope nodded.

"I was just wondering, could you tell me about school? I've never been, you see."

"It's horrible, that's all you need to know. So I'll stick by you, cause first days are rough, especially if you're new. Trust me, I've been there." he must've loved it there.

"That's nice of you, but how hard can it be?"

"Very hard. The people will judge you, the teachers will hate you, you will fail miserably. School in a nutshell."

"If you say so, Dash. Maybe you should go plead your case of being grounded? I can pretend to have stayed behind because you were concerned for my safety." she offered.

"You are a good prankster, huh?"

"The best."

"Maybe, after me."

At dinner

Violet's POV

Great. Foreign exchange student, from no one knows where. I'll save the interrogation for later, and these stupid teenagers will be together by the end of the year.

Mom was being weird. You would've thought that she knew how to talk to little girls...oh wait, I don't socialize. They were having Chinese food takeout, my favorite. I was listening to music with my invisible headphones I asked Edna to make for me. They're very important to the supersuit...and also the super's sanity. I was going to see my friends, and I had a full time job of shipper. Life is great so far. What poor, innocent Dash didn't know was that the school was setting up a youth mentoring program, in which Violet was taking up to completely embarrass Dash and maybe Vanellope too.


                                                              to be continued haha

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