Empty glass box

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Description: A fun story for you to analyse. There are hidden meanings behind the story and it is up to you to interpret it how you wish. If you want to hear my original thoughts behind writing this and the meaning of the story it would be a few empty lines down after the story so just scroll down and you should find it.

Hint: It's an analogy for something relating to mental health and society.

I woke up only to find myself in a large empty room and I was cuffed at my wrists. I struggled to set myself free from the hold, only to find that the cuffs weren't locked all this time. My gaze shifted to a microphone placed conveniently directly in front of my mouth. I went to speak but my mouth was taped. I haven't even realised they were there in the first place. Suddenly I realised, there were people watching me. As I looked through the walls of the strange room made entire out of glass, dozens, millions and billions of people had their eyes fixated on me. There were people I knew, like family and people I was close to, but most of them were mere strangers. They seem to notice my acknowledgement of their presence as a deep frown settled upon their faces. I could recognize that look any day. It was the look of disappointment. I tried to yell for help, for someone, anyone to come and save me, but my voice was only muffled by the tape. The look on the faces of the people seemed to only be growing angrier. For what? I don't know. I have done nothing wrong to them. If anything, I should be angry with them. They should be doing something! Can't they see that I need help here? I felt tears prick my eyes as I began to break under the instance gaze of the watchful eyes. It was not long before I broke down and cracked as I humiliated myself in front of everyone. This carried on for quite a long while and my heavy makeup and mascara smeared all over my tear- stained face. By this time I cared no more, let them see what they should see. As I grew tired, my eyes lazily scanned the room for a way to escape by myself. It seems like I was entirely enclosed but wait......is that the door? The door is open! I made a move to run, but I stopped as a thought crossed through my mind. "Where would I go? If even my family and closest friends wouldn't save me, what is home?" I slumped back to where I was before, my body lifeless as I stared off into blank space. It was then that I realised the size of the room was quite big and...there were even furnitures, food, water...it was like a mini world in here. I wonder why I didn't notice all these things in here before. Oh well, maybe I can make this home. It was only a day later that I might have gone insane. What is wrong with these people? They weren't even concerned by the fact that there is someone who needs help here? Like seriously, hello? I was beginning to feel more and more frustrated. Whether it was with myself or with them, I was not sure anymore. It didn't matter anyways. Right now I just need something to gain their attention to get me out of the room. I stared into blank space again as my brain rushed through different strategies before I grinned. This would surely do the trick. I walked a distance to a toolbox I knew sat in the corner of the room and grabbed a hammer with much difficulty. In the short span of that one day I had already familiarized myself with the things in the room. I mean there was nothing else to do anyways. With an expressionless face I took the hammer and bounced it in both my hands, feeling the hefty weight of it as I broke out into a wide smile. I was not sure if what I was doing would work or not, but it was worth a shot...even if it would not be exactly be the most correct thing to do. My eyes were trained ahead of me as I swung my body together with the hammer and sent it flying, hitting the glass and sending sharp pieces of glass shards falling everywhere. Finally...I've escaped.

Alright, so here's my analysis of my own writing:
The persona wakes up in what would seem like a strange environment but does not question how he/her got there which indicates that they are not surprised and has quite a rather neutral attitude to the whole thing not really knowing where everything is headed, just going with the flow. This can be compared to a person with depression who does not actually feel incredibly sad but rather it is the lack of emotion and feelings or care for anything. He/she is just like "oh ok" and accepts it for what it is as seen by how even when the persona realises the cuffs are not actually locked he/she makes no move to remove it. The microphone and the taped mouth once again shows how the persona has the power to get out of the handcuffs and remove the tape to voice out for help but remains as is showing the lack of motivation in one with depression and how they often think lowly of themselves that they do not have the capability to do it which is also why the persona keeps waiting for someone else to save him/her. The glass and the eyes is an analogy on anxiety and how the persona feels self-concious in front of everyone especially when he/she already has depression and a low self-esteem making him/her feel more like a freak. The makeup smearing is the persona not caring about trying to put up a strong front and just letting the illness be known. However, when the persona lets the illness show, the people outside don't seem interested or to care so much as to look at him/her anymore. This is like how society now has a stigma of mental illness and how people fake it for attention. In the end, instead of escaping through the door, the persona smashes the glass and hurts him/herself instead. This represents the battle to free oneself from the illness and self-harming/suicide as an escape route. The persona chose this route instead of the door as he/she feels there is no one who cares enough. Also the whole part with the hammer is meant to be described to be done with difficulty as like how self-harm and suicide is met with a lot of hesitation and does not always go as planned be it just planning for a cut but ending up dying or planning to die but ends up living.

There are still some parts I've left out and have not explained which I feel is quite self-explanatory plus this is really up to personal interpretation so share your version of analysis too as it would be interesting to hear.

Hope you enjoyed!

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