The Meetings

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Kurtis Connor made his way off the plane. He was at the airport in Maine and he couldn't have been anymore excited than he was at that moment.

He was about to meet Drew and Danny. He walked around the airport for a solid 10 minutes until he noticed Danny Gonzalez standing there juggling 3 oranges.

Something he didnt know Danny could do, but in Kurtis' opinion it did make Danny 3.5× hotter. 

"Did I just think that?" Kurtis asked himself.

Kurtis ran up to Danny and Danny wasn't paying attention. Danny thought it was an attacker so he stopped juggling and threw all 3 oranges at Kurtis.

Kurtis who was startled, fell and hit his head on one of the chairs near by. Kurtis immediately passed out.

Danny had no idea what he was going to do. Nothing like this has ever happened to him and he was afraid that he killed Kurtis.

Kurtis was the Cute Canadian boy he also felt a little attracted to, but Kurtis would never like him back. Danny never understood why he thought Kurtis would never like him. He just felt like Kurtis thought he was too much like every other girl.

So Danny tried his hardest to be different. He always took up new things he could do to impress Kurtis. He would also read books all the time because other girls couldn't read.

He also didn't wear makeup like the other girls. He always thought to go all natural because natural is way better than being fake.

Danny was madly in love with Kurtis, but he would never let him know that.

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