A New Life?

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"Then the wedding will happen today only" Maharaj declared, maybe not wanting to delay.

I nodded and Maharani took me to a room.

Her maids untied my hair and comb them back.

"I am happy to see that you have agreed to marry my son, dear" Maharani Gandhari spoke up with a smile as she stood behind me.

"Did I have a choice, Maharani?" I asked softly.

"I know it must have been difficult for you. But I can assure you that my son won't do anything unjust to you." She said in a calm tone.

That's what every mother thinks, Maharani.
And didn't he already do unjust by abducting me for only rejecting him?

"I hope so, Maharani" I replied softly not wanting to be rude to her.

"Now, Stop calling me Maharani. You are my bahu (Daughter-in-law), now. I am like your mother now, ain't I?" She said softly as she helped me adjust my saree's pallu.

"Yes, Maa" I smiled.

She actually gives me the vibes of a mother.
I am already missing her.

We both along with the maids, walked towards the mandap.

I sat in the mandap beside my to be husband, Rajkumar Duryodhan. Our wedding ceremony started and the priests were chanting some mantras.

My eyes were fixed on the fire in front of us as I tried to control my emotions.

Then were the seven pheras(circles) around the fire. What I felt during that time was just something I can't describe into words.

Thoughts had consumed my mind.
Pitashree, Maa. How miserable they must be feeling for not being able to do anything to save their only daughter from being abducted.
They weren't able to bid me goodbye properly.
The moment were the parents shed happy tears for their daughter's future,  my parents' eyes were filled with tears full of tension for my future.
I am not even sure if I have taken the right decision.
Can I spend my entire life with a man who couldn't even handle rejection properly?
Is this what my life meant to be?
Am I doing right?
But, did I even had a choice?

We both sat down again and he looked at me for a moment. But my eyes were still fixed at the fire.

He applied sindoor on my maang and the wedding rituals were over in sometime.

I was led towards a bedroom by the maids while everyone were still at the ceremony hall.

I haven't been this silent ever.

I entered the room. It was a room befitting a prince. The room was decorated as it should be for newlyweds.

I walked towards the bed and sat on it not knowing what to do.

The maids were trying to cheer me, joking among each other and laughing.

I feel so alone even with all these maids.
I-- I miss Prerna.
I knew that today was thw day I would be separated from her but I didn't expect it to happen in this way.
I wasn't able to bid her farewell for the last time properly.
I wasn't able to see anyone happy as I parted away from the only place I had ever know.

I ,suddenly, heard the door open. All the maids turned towards the door as he entered.

I felt really nervous on seeing him enter. My hands were shaking even though I tried as hard as I could to stay calm.

The maids started leaving one by one.

Soon we were both alone in the room as he shut the door.

My mind went completely blank as I looked at him. My eyes not leaving his face.

He sat beside me. His eyes not even  looking at me.

"I am sorry" He said in a soft tone while not even looking at me. "It's just I don't have any control on my anger."

I just nodded as yes, while not looking at him.

I turned at him slowly and his eyes finally met mine.

His eyes showed a warm emotion which I couldn't understand.

"I hope you will forgive me" He said with the same tone.

"You should try to control your anger" I said softly as I continued looking into his eyes.

To Be Continued

Author's Note

Here's the next chapter of the story.
I am sorry for the delay in updating this story.

P.S.- This part is almost totally fictional and my imagination since not much information is available about these topics.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2019 ⏰

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