Ten: Reunion

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We walked out of the town and into a path of dirt. I kept feeling uneasy as I walked down the path. I turned around and noticed that Raven put a distance between us about a meter away.

Uhh... is it just me or is Raven avoiding me? I thought, I wonder what's wrong?

I kept stealing glances at her, hoping that she would come closer, just a little bit, but she wouldn't even look at me. My heart felt really heavy, but I didn't have the guts to call her.

I wonder if she's mad at me about something... or maybe because yesterday I didn't end up winning the match for her... I thought, did I... look like a bluff? I...

I looked at her who was looking at the opposite direction. She was acting as if I didn't exist, and she wasn't right beside me. It was like we were both a thousand miles apart when we were just a meter away from each other. I felt my heart beating in pain, as if a hole was bored to it.

Maybe I am a big bluff... I thought and sighed, I never looked cool in front of her, not even once...

I looked back at the winding road which looked grey and endless.

I wonder how much time do I have left? Once we find my family, we'll go separate ways and... maybe... I'll never see you again... because the only reason you came along with me is because I'm your temporary life support machine, I thought, then should I lead her in circles- no, I couldn't do that... that was really selfish of me... I need to find my family, who knows what've gotten to them?

I sighed as I kept walking. Just then, I noticed that we have reached another residential area. It was a floating village in the middle of a swamp. The houses were oddly-shaped and they were all connected to one another with wooden planks. Between the houses, it was all oozing swamp. Figures riding on broomsticks flew to and fro in the air. There was a big sign in front of us, stating "Cauldron Village. No non-magical allowed".

This is... I thought, a village for witches and wizards?

Raven and I walked inside the village. Weird shops lined against each other along the wood planks that connect one building from another. There was a shop selling talismans only, a shop for potion ingredients, a shop for magic wands and a lot more shops. The wood kept creaking with every step we made. But every creak sounded at a different pitch, like it was making a song out of screeches.

Wow... I thought, I wonder if any of my family member would go here? They are mages just like me, right?

Just then, suddenly I felt my right foot going through the ground and the next thing I know, my right foot was drenched and water filled my boot. I looked down and realized that one of the wooden planks broke and I happened to step on it. My foot went through the plank and into the swamp. On the background, I could hear some snickers and chuckles.

Oh, God... I thought as I sat on the plank, pulling my foot out of the hole, this is embarrassing...

"Gabe? Are you okay?" asked Raven and knelt beside me.

"Y-yeah..." I said and kept forcing my leg out of the hole, "hmm... it won't budge..."

"Here, let me help," she said and placed her hands on my leg.


Suddenly my heart started bashing on my chest. She held my leg tight and helped me to get my leg out. Finally, my right leg was out of the hole, but then my boot slipped out of my calf and fell into the swamp, much to my dismay. The two of us looked at each other. Then suddenly both of us burst out laughing. People wearing tall cone hats and robes stopped and stared at us, their remarks can be heard in the background.

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