Fantasy Vs. Reality

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Adrien P.O.V.

I woke up to hear birds chirping and the sun was shining.

Despite the happy sunny day I was in an in-measurable amount of pain.

I lifted the bed sheets, careful not to wake Marinette up, and saw that my ankle was a bright color of purple with patches of black and yellow.

Even though my ankle was messed up that wasn't what I noticed.

"I'm not transformed!" I whispered aloud and quickly regretted it as I heard Mari groan and start to wake up.

My reflexes kicked in and I grabbed the pillow Marinette provided me with and threw it on top of her face.

"C-Chat what's the big idea?! I can't breatheee" Her muffled voice cried out.

"Sorry princess just close your eyes my miraculous has worn off and I'm in civilian form."

"Oh okay."

I lifted the pillow off of her head and thankfully she had her eyes closed.

"Just give me a sec and I will run to the bathroom real quick."

I ran to the bathroom (despite my pain), thankfully I had left extra Camembert on the counter. I opened my shirt to let Plagg out. He quickly shoved the piece of cheese in his mouth.

"Don't forget kid, you have a photo shoot today at 12." He said with a mouth full of smelly cheese.

"Right right got it"

"How's the ankle?"

"I bet you can guess"

"Looks painful enough"

"Nice observation Plagg" I told him rolling my eyes.

"Okay I'm ready now Adrien" Plagg said a little to loudly.

"Plagg keep it down! She could be listening!"


"Plagg Claws Out!!"


Marinette P.O.V.

"You ready yet?" I called into the bathroom.

"Yeah almost ready."

Chat left the bathroom trying not to limp but failing.

"How's your ankle?" I asked him.

"I'm fine"

I looked down at his feet in his catsuit and one leg was much bigger.

"Do you need ice?"

"That sounds amazing princess but I really should get going. My father will be worrying for me."

"How will you get home?"

"The same way I got here, of course."

"There's no way your ankle will hold out!" I insisted.

"I'll be fine. Thanks for the concern Marinette"

"Okay be safe"

"Bye princess"

"Be careful chat"

Adrien P.O.V.

As I left Marinette's home I felt my happiness stay behind. I was going back to my prison and I didn't know when I would get to escape again.

Reality (A Marichat Fanfiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora