Chapter Seven

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    "This is why you are not allowed to drive!" Scott shouts and I grin

"Shut up Sis." I say and he groans

"You are so annoying even as me." He says and I turn the music up to block out my sweet voice ( its my voice so I can't say its annoying.)

           "Watch out!" he screams as I swerve to the other direction before reversing into the parking lot.

       "I see you made it in one piece." Alex says and Scott sighs


"So have you guys figured this whole body swap thing?" he asks and I shrug

"We've got to wait for the next cosmic shower which is not far off." I say and Alex sighs

"Thank goodness, how long are we talking about?" he asks as Scott scoffs

" Two to three months." he says and Alex looks at me "You said it wasn't far off!" he whines and I shrug

" You're going to be fine without him,because there's no way I'm letting my body be around you for that amount of time." I say.

       "So who am I going to be with if not him?" Scott asks and I smile

"Stacy duh,there's a reason I've got her as my best friend." I say just as Stacy walks in.

      "Hey Scout, hi Scott." she says to us even in our different bodies

"You told her?" Scott asks me and I shrug

"You told Alex, so I told Stacy." I say and I stare at him in my body tapping his foot impatiently and snapping a bubble gum.

  "So you'll be with Stacy and I'll be with Alex,so no one suspects anything." I say and Stacy nods, I lean across her and whisper "Don't blow it." and she blushes.
      "See she's as good as you are when it comes to girls." Alex says and I roll my eyes

"Keep doing that you might just find a brain there." Scott says and Stacy grins

"And he's as good as you are when it comes to snarky comments." She says and I sigh

"Let's get this show on the road then." I and Scott says at the same time.

sooo from chapter eight I'm going to start referring them by their body names(this came out weird) what I mean is that when Scout is talking about her brother that's in her body she won't say Scott but Scout, but if you prefer it this way Scout calling Scott who's in her body by his name which is Scott tell me and I'll leave it like that.

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