Chapter Ten

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          "You play well." Alex says breaking the silence as I drive us home and I shrug

"You know it'll be nice to have you on the team." He says and I scoff

"Oh really?" I say and he frowns

"I mean it. Honestly." He says and I shrug

"I didn't say you didn't did I ?" I say and I keep on driving.

         "Why aren't you on the team?...I know coach will take you as long as you can play." He says and I nod

"I know he will...he actually put me on the team till the guys protested and I left."

I say and he frowns "Who the hell came up with that stupid idea?" He asks and I shrug

" The present captains of the team." I say and he frowns

"Those guys are douche bags." He says and I nod.

" You should know after all." I say and suddenly he gets it.

    "Shit." He mutters and I nod

" I'm sorry we didn't know it was you....we would never have done that if we knew. Honestly even Scott didn't know. He would never have done that if he knew." He says and I shrug,

" That doesn't excuse the shit that you guys did. So you have no qualms calling another girl a nympho or wrecking her dreams, or calling her a hoe right?" I ask and he frowned

"We didn't call anyone a hoe." He says and I raise a brow

"Holding up a poster saying;" We want a bro and not a hoe." doesn't qualify right? " I say and he keeps shut.

         "I'm sorry." He finally says after a long pause and I don't reply instead I turn up the music and keep driving.

"Scout c'mon I've apologized." He says and I turn to look at him

" If it was any other girl but me would you apologize? "

I ask and he keeps mute

  " I thought as much. You're just apologizing because its're afraid that I may retaliate... Isn't that right Alex?" I say and he remains quiet.

   "So how are you preparing for the winter dance...I mean the actual you." He suddenly says and I frown

"Why are you suddenly interested in my life? Or did you guys decide that it'll be fun to use me to bet again?" I asked and he shakes his head

"Nothing of that sort I kind of figured that since we're gonna be stuck together it'll be right to know ourselves." He says and I scoff.....

   "We've known ourselves since we were nine...that's not been enough?" I ask and he sighs

   "Must you make everything so difficult?" He asks and I shrug

"So about the winter dance?" He prompts and I roll my eyes

"I'm not going." I say and he frowns

"Why not?" He asks

"Because I don't want too." I say and he nods

"Oh - kay." He says and I nod as I turn into the driveway.

           "I don't live here." He says and I shrug

"I do." I say and he frowns

"Scott takes me straight to my house." He says and I shrug

"I'm not Scott." I say and he frowns

"You're in his body." He says and I shrug

" Doesn't change a thing, your house is just at the end of the street." I say and he frowns

"This is about the team's protest right?" He says and I scoff

"Don't fool yourself Alex,I'm not as petty as you are." I say getting out and waiting for him to do the same.

"You're really doing this?" He asks and I shrug, "If you wanna spend the night there be my guest." I say and he comes out slamming the door behind him.

        "Bye Lexi." I call out as he begins to walk towards his street and he immediately responds by flipping me off.
    That went well.

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