Chapter Nine

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     "That went well." Scout says and I shrug

   "Aren't you going to say anything?" She asks and I glare

   " I hate this. There I've said something. " I say and she scoffs

"Because I don't?" She asks and I shrug

"Should you? You wished for this after all." I say and she frowns before huffing.

      "Well you're really getting into character... that's good." Alex says and I growl

"Shut up." I and Scout say at the same time "Calm down lady...and gentleman....." He begins but ends up laughing....

"I'm sure the trek to your house would cure you of any ailment you seem to be having." I say and he scoffs

"You don't get to choose that Scoutie....only Scott." He says and I raise a brow

"I am Scott.....remember?" I say and he quickly shuts up.

         "Why are you even here? Don't you have soccer practice now?" Scout asks and Alex sniggers

"Yeah we do...I came to get Scott." He says and then begins laughing.

     "What is so funny right now?" Scout asks tersely and he shrugs

"What isn't funny...Scout is going to be kicking balls with a bunch of guys." He says and Scout makes a grossed out face

" Get your mind out of the gutter Alex....that's my sister." She says

" You mean your brother right?" Alex asks

" Don't push it." She says and he keeps shut.

         "Hand me the keys then." Scout says and I raise a brow....

"What keys?" I ask and she frowns

"The car keys Scott...I need to go home." She says and I nod

" No can do. You're not allowed to drive and besides if I give them to you how will I get home?" I ask and she frowns.

        "Its you who's not allowed to drive! And get a ride from Blake or Joel!" She shouts and I shrug

"You're in my body so that means you can't drive and what if I don't want to get a ride from Blake or Joel?" I ask and there's a long pause before she begins but I cut her off .

      "Now now Scout you know I'd give you the car if I could but I just can't so just ask any of your friends I'm sure one of them will k? Now I'm off to practice see you later." I say and as I'm leaving I hear Scout's voice

     "You're a jerk." She says and I turn around

"You're wrong brother... its you who's the jerk after all I'm in your body, I'm acting like you its you who's the jerk." I say and then turn around and leave.

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