meeting him pt 1

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you are a well known dEmoN slAyer. Not only were you the BEST demon slayer alive, you are super CUTE and SEXY.

you look like this:

one day you were on a mission hunting demons in the middle of a forest, you know the usual

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one day you were on a mission hunting demons in the middle of a forest, you know the usual. but then all of sudden you hear a bloodcurdling scream. "uwaaa?? what the heck what that??" you asked, talking to yourself because you have no friends :(. "i should go check it out. it sounds like someone's in trouble!"

you began to make your way through the dUmmy thicc forest, the wailing only getting louder. whoever this is isn't having a good time. "HEY WHOS OUT HERE?" you yelled over the screaming. "GET AWAY FROM ME DEMON!!" the person yelled back "IM NO DEMON IM HERE TO HELP!" this seemed to worry the person more as their cries for help got more desperate. "SOMEBODY PLEASE HELP MEEEE"

to be continued bc this is bad and i hate myself

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