noo dont cry ur so sexy aha

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"wait y-you're a demon slayer too?" he asked you wiping his tears. "yea i am, i heard your crying and came to help. are you hurt?" you asked him crouching down beside him. he blushed at your question and turned away "n-no..." "nobody attacked you at all?" his face got darker "no..." you paused in confusion. "then...why were you screaming??" at this his face got impossibly darker and he began to yell again "BECAUSE IM SCARED OKAY?? YOUVE NEVER SEEN SOMEONE BE SCARED HUH?? STOP GIVING ME THAT LOOK IM NOT CRAZY"

at this point you were entirely done with his bs and started to yell back "YOU WERE CUTE JUST A FEW SECONDS AGO NOW YOURE BEING A JERK WHAT THE HECK" you ran off deeper into the woods with tears staining your face leaving him all by himself :(

"s-she thinks i'm cute..?"

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