first date pt 1.

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you and zenitsu have been talking for a few months now. it took a while to get used to his weird little antics. but eventually you both got used to each other couldn't be happier. you thought now would be the *perfect* time to finally ask him out on a date.

you had the night all planned out. tonight was the night of the greatest festival in town. it's the perfect place to go hehehe. you would show up to Zen's place all dressed up in the best outfit you could pull together completely catching him off guard! he would be too flustered to make a move so you'd do it yourself, grabbing his hand and leading the way to the festival.

"KYAHHHH THIS IS SO EMBARRASSING" you thought to yourself squealing at the thought of finally getting to hold hands "you have to get a hold of yourself (y/n)" you said smacking ur cheeks "the festival isn't even until tomorrow!!"

you STILL don't have an outfit and you STILL haven't thought about how exactly you would ask him out. as much as you'd hate to admit it you were crazy nervous, Zenitsu's just too perfect. and that's exactly why you have to completely blow his mind with and amazing night out. but first, you need to find something to wear!!

nothing you already had in your closet would do for this occasion, you needed to go out and get something entirely new. lucky for you, ever since you and zen met you've been saving up for a special occasion. a little creepy? yes, but the ends perfectly justify the means. you now have more than enough money to buy an outfit that would have his jaw drop straight to the floor!

you went into your secret stash that you hid under your bed and stuffed all the cash in your backpack. you then got dressed and left to go out into the city...

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2020 ⏰

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