chapter sixteen

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"What?" Thor said confused

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"What?" Thor said confused.

A heavy silence was spreaded in the air. You didn't answered and continued sniffing, your face was wet from tears. You were shaking and crying.

Thor looked at you, frowning, he understood that you were broken inside.

Hearing that his brother was stuck in Jotunheim to be the king, hurted him. Knowing that he would not have his brother besides him was tough but he knew that if he rescued Loki, they would come for him again, and again, until they have what they want. Frost Giants are stubborn.

"Let's take you home." Thor said while picking you up bride-style.

You tried to look for comfort in his arms but you weren't able to. The only person that could make you feel peace was closed in that frozen castle, maybe forever.

Your bleeding hands were placed together because of the cold, as you tried to make them warmer.

Thor gave heavy steps in the white Jotun snow. He stopped, a few meters away from the palace, looked slightly to the sky and said:

"Heimdall, open the Bifrost."

The big beam of light came from the sky and pulled you two up. You held Thor tightly when the fear of falling enfolded you, and he did the same to you, pulling you closer to him.

While the light disappeared and Jotunheim went dark again, Loki watched all the scene from a window on the top of the palace.

His eyes were teary and the lonely thoughts were invading his head. He closed his fists and everything around him flew away, smashing in the walls and floor.


Thor appeared in the Bifrost holding you in his arms. Heimdall looked at you.

"Lady (y/n) are you ok?" Heimdall asked due seeing the blood coming out of your fingers. Your mouth remained closed.

Then he looked at Thor. Heimdall dropped his eyes and so did Thor.

"She looks tired. You should take her to bed." Heimdall said in a low tone.

"Goodnight Heimdall." Thor said going out of the Bifrost circular area and heading towards the palace.

Thor walked through the corridors of the big golden palace, while holding you in his arms.

Some maids rushed over to him and asking what happened to him to do such an inopportune exit with his brother.

Thor kept walking forward, his eyebrows were frowning and you kept holding him tightly.

Eventually, the maids went away and Thor walked at a free room in the castle, opening the door with his body.

He walked with steady steps to the bed and placed you in it. You bent your body over itself with your knees on your chest.

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