Fainting Spells

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The hall was littered with light wisps of colors drifting motionless in a formless void. Sam could somewhat make out the inside of the school building, but it looked as if she was peering through a piece of smokey quartz. Everything was slightly blurred and the background was shrouded in a greyish hue.

Sam watched as the formless flurries of colors drifted aimlessly through the halls. She was confused. What was she looking at? One wisp gave off a warm, candle-like glow; it stood right next to her. It gave her a feeling of safety, security.

It didn't last.

In a sudden jolting motion, the world spun around her. It was as if she was on the edge of an off-kilter, a giant balancing plate as it was spun around on a stick. Out of nowhere, a new wisp of light appeared; one that did not feel safe. It gave off an unusual vibe. Certainly not human. It was difficult to decipher between one energy signature of the other.

In a dizzying blur, Sam watched the scene and began to feel nauseous as she often did when she stared at a TV while the program on it was paused. Then she realized why...

Reality was on pause.

Sam was witnessing a split second of reality from the astral realm. The world just beyond that of Man. She watched with a gut-wrenching jolt as time caught itself napping and moved forward once more.

The unpleasant, inhuman color wisp dove down through the school's roof. At the same time, Sam's consciousness was hurled back into her body so fast, she got whiplash. Within a second, it sent her spiraling into the darkness of unconsciousness. Sam never even felt her body hit the floor. But that's because she also didn't feel the arms had caught her just in time.


Touch was the first sense to come back to her. A pair of large, warm, soft yet calloused hands held firmly onto her right hand. They were slightly tensed as if the person they belonged to was greatly worried. A familiar weight lay on her chest, her silver pocket watch, was reassuring to her. The material beneath her was soft, mildly "squidgy", as Barbra would put it. Probably a mattress.

Her sense of smell picked up the clean – sterile - air along with chemical medicines. It made her throat sting. A medical area of some sort.

She soon heard soft murmuring. It was like a radio losing its signal, going in and out. All of it coming from her left.

"...knew it was..."

"...Before his senses...."

"...Something odd..."

Her eyes slid open slowly, being careful not to blind herself from the lights. Sam glanced to her left to see Valerie, Tucker, Jazz and Mr. Lancer were too busy talking amongst themselves to notice her awakening. She felt her hand being squeezed and turned her attention to her right. She was too weak to hide the meek smile at the boy who had her hand clasped in his.


He smiled back at her, his icy blue eyes were soft. He had one hand let free from holding hers to brush a few stray strands of hair out of her eyes. Sam paled when she saw the faint shades of purple in a few locks. Danny frowned when he noticed her discomfort, but the others in the room got slightly louder and startled the two of them. The heated conversation continued and Danny leaned in closer to Sam.

"You remember what happened?" he whispered.

It was Sam who frowned this time. Danny wasn't just whispering because she was in the nurse's office. His voice carried a certain rasp as if he'd gone and screamed his throat raw.

"Hey?" Danny's quiet prompt jolted Sam back to his question.

Did she remember what happened? Sam tried to answer as she thought back.

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