CH 02

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Novaburst *over comm* "Megatron, we have Breakdown and Stinger we... *explosion* OOH!!"


*at D-con H.Q.*

Megatron "Novaburt. Novaburst, come in. Scrap. *over base comms* Attention the following decepticons prepair for battle. Dreadwing, Skyquake, Starscream, Skywarp, Thundercracker, Thrust, Dirge, Ramjet,Slipstream, Sunstorm, Acidstorm, Novastorm, Ionstorm, Aracnid, Shapnel, Bombshell, Kickback, Bruticus, Motermaster,Deadend, Dragstrip, Wildrider, Offroad, Hook, Knockout, Scalpel, report to the entrance tunnel and flight deck and prepare to rise up."

*with remaining stunticons*

Deadend "Breakdown's in trouble."

Motermaster "Come on."

Dragstrip "Those auto-brat better not have hurt him."

Offroad "You kidding? This is Breakdown we're talking about."

Wildrider "Let's not forget about Stinger. Breakdown views him as the little brother he never had."

Dragstrip "He has us as brothers."

Offroad "Older brothers DS. Breakdown is technically the youngest since he was onlined last by the Omega Terminus."

Motermaster "The sooner we get there the sooner we can help Breakdown."

*with flyers*

Starscream "Flyers on my mark, take to the sky. For the glory of Megatron!"

*with insecticon*

Arachnid *will runnung to flight deck* "When we arrive, Bombshell, uses your ceribro shells to get a few auto-troopers on our side. Shrapnel, you electrify the troopers at the rear, and Kickback will take up a sniping position and destroy enemy reinforcements.

Shrapnel "Yes, my Queen queen."

*with combaticons*

Onslaught "Combaticons lets move."

*with medics*

Hook "When we get there Knockout you tend to any badly wounded decepticons.

Scalpel, you handle the less critical. I will handle the critically wounded troops."

Knockout "Right. I have a few medical packs ready and some gurnneys are being move to the entrance tunnel incase of an extraction."

Scalpel "I have a few vehicons on standby for when we leave for coving support."

Hook "Good, let's go."

*at flight deck*

Megatron "Starscream you shall lead the seekers."

Starscream "Of course, my King. *to seekers* Seekers, transform and take to the skies."

*seekers transform and take flight*

Megatron "Arachnid, you have no dought assigned the rest of the insecticons their assignment, am I correct?"

Arachnid "Of course, Lord Megatron. But if you wish for them to assist you..."

Megatron "No need. *to stunticons* When we reach Novaburst's last location, find Breakdown and combine into Menasor if Breakdown is not injured."

Motermaster "Consider it done, Lord Megatron."

Megatron "Onslaught, you and your team will flank the autobots and attack from the rear."

Onslaught "Got it."

Megatron " Hook.."

Hook "Help the wounded, got it."

*at battle site*

Novaburst *under metal beam* "UGH. What hit us? Breakdown? Stinger? Tread?"

Optronix Prime "Well well well. If it isn't Megatron's addopted son."

Goldbug "What shall we do with him, Lord Optronix."

Novaburst "Uncle Optronix. I'd say it's great seeing you and Gold-brat again, but I don't think the false prime like you deserves it." 

Arcee "What about me handsome?"

Optronix "ENOUGH!! So Novaburst, tell me, where is the Allspark."

Novaburst *smugly* "Now why would I tell you?"

Goldbug "If you don't, we'll tear out your spark."

Nova "You woudn't. I'm the only one who knows where it is. If you kill me, you kill your only way of finding it."

Optronix "You will tell us, or we will force it out of you."\

Novaburst "Hate to BURST your bubble, buut I had Hook wipe that memory."

Goldbug *to Optronix* "He's smart, I'll give him that, destroying the only way we can find that information, even if we had Percepter preform a cortical cycic patch."

Optronix "Smart, but not smart enough. Novaburst is either lying or has written it on a data-pad."

Bulkhead "Can we spare the energon if he is lying?"

Optronix *to Novaburst* "I'll give you two options Novaburst. One, you tell us where the Allspark was jettisoned to, and your death will be swift and painless.

Goldbug "Two, we force it out of you as painfully as possible."

Novaburst *notices backup has arrived* "How about a third option. I don't tell you and you leave with your tailpipe between your legs."

Bulkhead "What do you... AAHH!" *falls down dead*

Optronix "What?!"



(0:11 to 0:25 )


Megatron "Optronix Prime. Your fight is with me. Not Novaburst."

Optronix Prime "Megatron, I figured you would come for Novaburst. I'll make you a deal, tell me where the Omega Terminus was jetisoned to, and Novaburst lives. Refuse and he dies." *aims cannon at Nova's head*

Motermaster *sneaks behind autobots and pulls Novaburst out from under beam*

Goldbug "Come on, Buckethead, we haven't got all day."

Arcee "Shut up, Goldbug."

Megatron *sees Novaburst is safe* "Unfortunatly, I won't choose either." *aims fusion cannon at Optronix*


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