Ch. 13 Trouble to Come

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Jonathan sucked it up, took a shower, put on the semi dirty blue boxer briefs then went to sleep. The next day he woke and had to get dressed in his scout uniform, along with the other campers. The day started well, they woke up and went to the cafeteria to have breakfast. Jonathan, and Adam were getting their food, and went to sit but could not find Kevin. 

"Did you find him yet?" Adam asked

"No idea where he is, let's just sit here" Jonathan said as he set his tray on the table, away from everyone else. As he sat and picked up a fork, he saw Kevin in the distance sitting with "the cool kids" Seth and his squad

"There he is! What is he doing, why is he not sitting with us..." Jonathan was upset

Adam sighed "Its alright, lets just eat, he'll meet up with us later"

The campers were heading out for their hike, they were warned about the importance of staying hydrated and keeping up, as it was a dreadfully hot day. They all walked the hike in different groups of their choice, but it was only Jonathan and Adam, Kevin did not come back to them.

From a distance, Jonathan could see that Kevin and Seth were talking, it looked as if they were planning something mischievous. Seth peaked back and looked at Jonathan in the eyes, with a sinister look. 

"Should we talk to them?" Jonathan wondered

"Yeah, lets catch up with them" Adam said as they walked by everyone to catch up with Kevin and Seth

"Hey buddies" Seth said as he saw them catch up with them, Kevin had his brown cap over his eyes, looking like he was up to something

"Hey Kev, where have you been?" Adam asked

"Oh... I've just been hanging with Seth, he's real cool guys" Kevin replied, his head pointing up to see under his cap

"We're gonna sneak into a lake tonight, are you guys in, or are you too chicken?" Seth told both Adam, and Jonathan. They both looked at each other, and could not decline, or they would look like wusses, Jonathan spoke for both of them "In" he said. Seth nodded, and smirked and they continued on the hike.

Once they got back from the hike, it was noon, and they were all drenched in sweat, and very tired, Jonathan took a nap for a little while, until it became night, but he was suddenly awoken by Seth and Kevin

"Come on! Its the perfect opportunity to sneak out" Kevin whispered to him

"Let me change real quick" Jonathan said getting up

"You don't need to, lets go" Seth said in a rushing way, they sneaked out of the campsite, leaving Adam behind. They walked through the forest for about 5 minutes, and arrived at a small dock.

"Alright, let's get in" Seth said

"Wait what, I don't have swim shorts" Jonathan looked confused

"you don't need them" Kevin said point at his shorts 

"Aren't you guys getting in too?" Jonathan wondered as he took off his pants and shirt

"Yeah after you my good man" Seth said as Jonathan was about to take off

"Alright here goes noth-" Jonathan paused as he felt a slight tug at his underwear 

"Ah, ah ,ah, not so fast, gotta take these off too" Seth said as he let go of Jonathan's waistband, letting it smack him

"No way... I'm not going nude, what if you..."

"Trust us, its a one at a time kind of thing, you gotta do it, you'll be the coolest guy in the camp if you do" Kevin said to Jonathan. He was thinking he could trust both of them, so what did Jonathan do? He took off the boxers, then ran and jumped in the lake

"Woooo!" Jonathan was underwater and came back up "Alright, your tur-" He came up and saw that they had disappeared "Guys!?" uh oh..." he didn't want to get out of the water, as he was nude, so he stayed in for a while, a long while. 10 minutes pass, and still no sign of them, so he hid his privates with his hand and went to get dressed, but his clothes were gone, they stole his clothes and ran! Even his underwear.

"COME ON GUYS! Really?!" He then sighed as he had to walk nude back to the campsite, praying no one was out there. "Ow! Fuuuuuck" a few twigs and bushes scratching at him as he walked through the forest, eventually reaching the campsite to see 2 of the leaders standing out in the middle talking, he facepalmed, and had to go around the back and hopefully sneak in through the front door without being seen. He tippy toed and sneaked behind the other cabins eventually reaching his, and going to the front door, when he saw the leaders disband and walk away from each other, giving Jonathan the opportunity to run to the door. But just his luck, the door was locked, he pounded on it "Open the DAMN DOOR ASSHOLES" he yelled to them

"What's the password?" Seth teased


"Nope, that's not it" 

Jonathan kept knocking hard until he heard a voice behind him "Jonathan? What is going on here, open the door now" it was the scout leader. Jonathan was humiliated and embarrassed, the door opened and Jonathan immediately walked in and went to his bag to get clothes on, while the scout leader was talking with the two, outside, but Jonathan remembered he didn't pack any shorts or pants, only tighty whities and shirts. He put on the tighty whities, and walked to Kevin'sbag, and stole a pair of shorts and put them on. After the scout leader talked to Seth, and Kevin, he pulled Jonathan aside to talk to him, and he told him everything, causing both Kev, and Seth to be split apart, and given chores to do all day tomorrow. Jonathan knew this was not going to be pretty.

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