Ch. 14 Rip

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The splitting of Seth and Kevin meant, they were not aloud to be in the same cabin, so Seth had to move into a different cabin, while Kev was able to stay. That night after Seth left, Kevin gave Jonathan a dirty look

"You're a cry baby, you know that? It was supposed to be a harmless prank." he said to Jonathan 

Jonathan looking at him with a confused stare, getting ready for bed "Dude... *sigh* nevermind" "that's what I thought" Kev said turning off the light and laying in bed "Oh and by the way, don't even think that were still friends after this"

Jonathan sighed at his response, took off his pants, threw them on the floor next to him and covered himself quickly to try to hide his embarrassing underwear. Jonathan woke the next day, and saw the other boys in the cabin getting ready, he looked under the sheets to look at his underwear, and thought he should wait until the right moment so no one would see. He found the perfect moment, he quickly uncovered his sheets and stood up to put on the shorts, but saw they were gone. Jonathan frozen as he looked around real quick, "under the bed" he thought, so he bent down and looked under the bed still in his tighty whities until...

"Looking for these?" Jonathan knew that voice, he turned to see Kevin holding the shorts. 

"Oh y-yeah thank yo-" 

"Not so fast tighty whities, these look oddly familiar..." 

"Hey look he's wearing tighty whities! Haha nerd!" the other cabin boys made fun of Jonathan

"No they are mine, give them back" Jonathan said

"Hm" Kevin sniffed them "They smell like mine"

"Gross, give them back"

"So they are yours then?" Kevin asked Jonathan

"Ugh, fine they were yours, but you stole my only pair, the least you can do is give me mine back" Jonathan begged

"You want your pants little liar? Why didn't you ask, look outside"

Jonathan looked around then at the flagpole, and saw his shorts hung up at the top, he was suddenly pushed out the door by three of the other cabin members, and locked outside in his briefs. While every other scout was hanging around out by their cabins, Jonathan zoomed to the flagpole, hearing nothing but laughs from literally everyone, as he tried to hoist the shorts down from the flagpole, he was so embarrassed and stressed, he was pulling hard and fast, once they got to his reach, he pulled them too hard, hearing a loud RIIIIP at the shorts, he looked at them and saw a gaping  hole right on the butt of the shorts, he quickly put them on and ran back inside to his cabin passing Kevin "I hate you." Jonathan said.

Throughout the whole rest of the day Jonathan was constantly teased and made fun of. He would walk to get food and suddenly feel a hand grab his waistband and pull hard at it "Does tighty whitie boy like that? Huh? *pull* Huh? *pull*" causing Jonathan to drop his tray. As he went to pick it up he heard and felt his pants rip even more SHRIIIIP. Exposing more of his underwear. He took a seat by Adam and sighed "This is what I get for trusting Seth, god why me always"

"Yeah screw those guys man, I have some shorts you can have" Adam said, as someone came behind Jonathan "Try this on for size!" said the kid looking at everyone before grabbing his tighty whities and giving him a big wedgie, ripping the back of his underwear out from his shorts, Jonathan looked back and saw it was Seth. Everyone was laughing as he held up the ripped remains like a trophy, showing off the horrific skid marks left behind. Jonathan got up and ran to his cabin, his butt exposed to everyone, causing an up roar of laughter, Adam followed him behind. 

Back at the cabin, Adam gave him the shorts, as Jonathan had his final pair of tighty whities on, throwing away the mess of his once stable underwear away. As he got ready, he looked out the window and saw Seth and Kevin raking the leafs as a punishment for the lake. The next few days consisted of constant teasing, but thankfully no wedgies.

Later in the week, on the second to last night of the trip, Seth and Kevin approached his cabin, and knocked at the door "What the hell do they want?"

Adam answered the door "Oh... what do you guys want?"

"We were wondering if you and Jonathan wanted to come join us for a late night journey to spy on the girls? This'll make up for what we did the other day, I promise" Kevin said

"Why should I trust either one of you? You guys humiliated me in front of everyone!" Jonathan firmly said, as Kevin reached out his hand to shake "You can trust me as a friend Jonathan, I'm very sorry" "Yeah me too dude, I went too far, I'm deeply sorry, friends?" Seth said, Jonathan looking suspicious.

"Just a sec" Jonathan said, closing the door to talk with Adam "Should we go with them? I mean they seem very truthful"

"Well, we've known Kevin for a really long time, he does seem apologetic and cool now... so yeah lets try it, I want to talk to girls anyway" so they accepted the apology and went along with what they were gonna do, as they were really bored the past few days. This will end well, wont it?

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