The Plan-15

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~3 months later~

*Eloises POV*

These fricking bars. They're even in my dreams now. 3. Frikin. Months. Serving Eren, because of dwarfy ackerman! " That old man isnt gonna be playing bingo anymore once I get to him." I said to myself, whilst brushing my curls with my fingers. I huffed and sat down. Suddenly I heard the door at the end of the corridor. The footsteps came closer and closer, suddenly a man standing at 5'1 stood there with his stupid uniform and his stupid hair and his STUPID CRAVAT!! "Eat. I've got things to do" levi said, as he passed a tray of food through the bars. "Like what? Bingo?" I said with a smug smirk. Levi ignored me which made me want to reach through those bars and slap the little pest. "OI SHORTY IM TALKING TO YOU" I shouted at him. "LET ME SEE JESSICA!" He looked up at me from his STUPID height and said "I'm not bringing her down here, she's getting big now...and I dont want you pouncing on my pregnant wife" I paused, confused "EH? WIFE? EH? WHAT? EH?" i exclaimed. What did he mean WIFE. Wife wife wife. That word ran through my head. "We got married, sorry that you were too busy cleaning up Erens shit to be there." With that he stormed off, leaving me in a fit of rage. I grabbed the tray and threw it at the stone wall. "ARGHHHHHHHH" I screeched. "I'm gonna throw that waste of a man over the frikin wall" I mumbled to myself.

*Jess's POV*

As I sat on the sofa in me and Levi's room, I felt the baby kick and gasped. The door opened, and Levi walked through. "IT KICKED!" Levi rushed over and put his hand on my belly. It kicked again, and again. "Damn this baby sure is mad, a bit like your wheezy friend downstairs." We both laughed. "I think you should let her out." He looked annoyed. "No." He said, sternly. "Why not?!" I said, raising my voice. "I told you, babe I dont like her." I rolled my eyes. "Why not?" I asked. He looked kind of scared. " see......she um....scares me." I laughed a lot as he sat there, eyes widened. "Whatever." I said.

That night whilst Levi was asleep, i snuck downstairs and got eloise out the cell. We went up to her room and talked. "So you understand what i want you do do then?" I said, after making up a plan with her. "Yes, OH BOY YES" she said licking her lips.

*The next morning*
*Levi's POV*

As I Woke up, I saw the light shining through the window, the fire had died out through the night and I could feel the warm bed sheets against my skin. I turned round to see Jess, she was lay on the bed next to me, covers over her and my unborn child. Her brown hair was strayed across the pillow, her bare shoulders on show a little. I reached over and wrapped my arm around her. Something was off. Something wasnt right. I ran my fingers across her hair, a single curl exposing itself. I was confused, but suddenly she turned around and ripped the brunette wig off her head and shouted "GOT YA SHORTY" I screamed, hell I screamed LOUD. I leaped out of bed, squealing the whole building down. Jess came walking in the room, and eloise got out of bed, wearing her uniform t shirt and trousers. They high fived each other and stood laughing at me. "Hes gonna be too traumatised to play bingo for QUITE a while ey jessica" eloise said, laughing hysterically.

"That's it. This. Is. War." I said to myself.

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