7. The Escape

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Someone was knocking repetitively on the door.

The pair looked at each other.

Then it dawned on Shoto.

'The food-'

Katsuki nodded in reply. 'I'll go to the balcony - you deal with...that.' He snatched his cape from the back of the chair and strode towards the glass door at the end of the bedroom, which led onto the balcony.

The Prince hesitated, then nodded to himself and walked swiftly over to the main door, bracing himself.

He pulled it open an inch, making sure it was a servant and not a greater threat, such as his father.
Once the red-and-white-haired male had made sure that the little old woman pushing a laden tray-table was not going to burst the door down, he opened it slightly wider, but was careful to make sure that the woman could not see into the room.

'Thanks Greta, I'll take it inside-' The muffled war-cry of Katsuki's dragon call interrupted him, as the Chief-to-be called for Kirishima from the balcony.

Shoto looked worriedly at the old lady, who looked quite concerned and shocked in response to the noise.

'....You know how those from the Dragon Realm can be..' Shoto remarked convincingly, hoping that it was enough to avoid the woman's suspicions.

Before she had time to object, the Prince grabbed one end of the tray-table and pulled it into the room with a quiet, 'Thanks Greta,' before shutting the door in the poor confused servant's face.

Standing on the balcony underneath the night sky, Katsuki was leaning with his hands on the freezing metal bars, biting his tongue as he waited for a response to his call.

There was no way that a dragon could refuse the call of its master, so Ejirou had to come. Right?

And sure enough, a couple minutes later, a growl from just below the balcony signified this statement true.

The blonde couldn't help but grin, and leant over the balcony to peer over the edge.

Clinging to the shadowed side of the castle, his crimson wings folded in close to his body, was Katsuki's dragon.

The dragon's glowing eyes met his, and flickered with emotion. Ejirou snorted as if to say 'Should I transform?' But didn't even wait for an answer, his dragon form beginning to shrink.

Katsuki rolled his eyes at the redhead's eagerness, and then strode back into the bedroom, leaving his cloak draped over the handrail.

The Prince was rushing about inside the room, packing things into a small brown drawstring sack, such as full water-skins and items of food from the tray-table wrapped in napkins, plus a few easily-foldable items of clothing.

Shoto pulled the strings, closing the bag tightly, and then went to a large mahogany wardrobe in the corner, pulling it open and rifling through the contents, whilst Katsuki went to the drawstring bag, peered inside, and slung it over his front.

The dual-haired male pulled out an elegant sleeveless blue jacket, similar to the waistcoat he wore previously, but the back was knee-length and there were leather straps around the arm-holes, plus a tall lacy collar. He slipped it on before closing the wardrobe. 

As he did up the golden clasps, he paced over to a tall glass cabinet next to his bed, pushing past Bakugou in the process, making him snarl, which he ignored.

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