9. The Rescue

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A/N: Sorry this chapter took longer to come out, I've been busy with exams (yes, already, we have them every few weeks in science -_-)


Kirishima turned his head towards the bushes, gripping the bars of the window tightly, and made a noise deep in his throat that sounded exactly like an owl.
He called three times, before facing the window, and making eye contact with the freckled face behind the bars

The 17-year-old had messy, dark green hair, tanned skin from years of working outside, and his wide emerald eyes were frowning as he retracted his arm back inside the room.

Ejirou wondered why the prisoner he assumed was Izuku only used one arm to pull him up, and held the other close to his chest, cast in shadow.

Until he looked closer, and realised how destroyed the forearm was.

Shit...Todoroki was right, he thought, tearing his eyes away from the painful sight of the male's injury.

'Izuku Midoriya, right..?' The redhead whispered hopefully.

'You're...you're a dragon...' Izuku said distracted, his eyes wide as he studied the other's crimson scales and slitted eyes.

Ejirou chose to ignore the question. What were the chances that there would be another young male with the exact appearance Shoto had described. So he said quietly: 'I'm with Shoto Todoroki. And...someone else,' he decided that it would be best to explain Katsuki later and focus in the moment on the rescue. 'We're here to get you out. Now see I'm pretty tired from climbing around this damn building, so you gotta help me out. Lift all this rope off of my neck - don't drop it - and I'm gonna tie it around one of the bars...'

At the mention of his partner's name, Midoriya's eyes lit up with happiness, and he was suddenly filled with hope, despite the searing pain and throbbing of his arm.

Ejirou couldn't believe how someone so innocent-looking was the same age as Katsuki.

Izuku nodded, and reached out to grab the rope.
Bowing his head, Kirishima allowed the other to pull off the bundle of rope, and the dragon then hooked his elbow around an iron bar so he could use both hands without falling backwards.

He found the end of the rope in Izuku's hands, and began tying it around the what he hoped was the most stable of the three bars.

After a couple minutes of silently fumbling with the rope, Kirishima tugged on it.
It held.

So he took the rest of the rope from Izuku, and let it fall to the ground, praying that it wouldn't tangle on the way down, or pass any windows and alert the inhabitants of the prison.

Now that he had completed his part of the mission, the adrenaline he had been previously running on ran out, and he was suddenly overcome with immense fatigue. His head swayed and his stomach dropped - he was sure he was going to throw up. Or faint. Or both.

'Stay...here...' Ejirou managed to utter quietly to Izuku, his vision blurring at the edges, and he gripped the top of the rope with both hands. He took a couple steps down the side of the building, attempting to abseil down to the ground, but he paused, his mind buzzing and his limbs shaking.
Suddenly, the redhead lost his footing and he swung to the side, twisting as he went, and his body slammed into the wall.
The male groaned, his wings, legs and tail limp, and the rope began to slip through his fingers.

Izuku was now sitting anxiously by his cell window - the dragon was too far down for him to reach out and help him now, and his positioning meant he couldn't see Kirishima either.

Best Of You [BNHA Fantasy AU]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें