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"Fortunate Son" by Creedence Clearwater

"Comms check" Turner said as he placed his communicator in his ear. "Warren."

"Check" Came her reply.





"Davis?" Turner asked lastly but was greeted with silence, they all looked around trying to find their partner.

"Davis, do you copy?" Turner repeated but was again met with silence.

"Check. Shit, sorry I was thinking." Davis's urgent reply came through

"Davis, what were you possibly thinking about that you couldn't do a comms check." Turner stated anger clear in his voice.

"I was thinking about what i was gonna have for dinner tonight." he shyly responded.

"And what'd you decide on?" McCarthy laughed.


To this reply all of them laughed, including Turner, before he interrupted, "Okay back to the mission on hand. Bates and Davis start taking out the outside guards as Warren, McCarthy and I make our way inside. McCarthy stay with me, and Warren find the evil scientist. Good luck."

Lexi watched as the men blocking the entrance to the door that she wanted to go through suddenly dropped and began to make her way forward, her pistol in her hand. As soon as she walked in the room she saw that it was filled with men, they stared at her face for a split second curiously before they saw the gun in her hand. The men  didn't even have enough time to pull out their firearm as she quickly unloaded her magazine, which held 13 rounds, into their bodies watching as they fell to the floor.

She quickly reloaded gun, inserting a new magazine into the weapon. It wasn't long before she heard marching footsteps running through the halls  above her. She looked at the only set of stairs that were positioned at the end of a long hallway with a smile. She grabbed a stun grenade as well as a smoke grenade, throwing both of them down the hallway just as an army of men descended the stairs. She aims her gun, counting out the rounds as she shot, leaving one in the chamber as she holstered it.

She looked down the hallway and could faintly make out a couple of forms in the smoke. She rolled her eyes as she took out her favorite knife and walked down the hall plunging it into either their neck, chest or straight into their skull. As the last man fell to the ground she made her way upstairs knowing that there still had to be at least one more person left.

The sound of a gun cocking made her turn her head to see a gun placed about a foot away from her face.

"Hands in the air." the large man spat out.

She quickly did what he said with a smirk on her face.

"What are you smiling about?" He asked holding the gun still.

"You just made 2 mistakes." She stated

"And what would those be?" he asked gripping the gun tighter.

"Well first it was holding a gun to my face." she stated smoothly.

He was about to make a remark before she twisted her knife in her hand bringing it down towards his wrist causing him to let go of the gun, allowing her to swiftly catch it before it fell.

"Second was telling me to put my hands up with a knife in my hand." she smiled before she pulled the trigger, tossing the unfamiliar gun onto the man's body.

Lexi made her way towards the closest door to her and opened it seeing that it was nothing but a desk and a bed. She did the same process of opening doors and checking the rooms until she made it to the last one she hadn't checked. As she opened the door she could see an old man hunched over a table that held a variety of chemicals. She gripped her knife tighter and right as he turned she threw the knife aiming for his throat. The man quickly moved to the side, allowing the knife to barely graze the side of his neck before it got stuck into the wall behind him.

"Ugh" Lexi groaned realizing his death would take longer than anticipated.

She instantly leaped forward throwing her fist in the man's stomach ultimately throwing him off balance before she laced her hands on either side of his face. Lexi suddenly felt a large throbbing pain in her arm as she finally twisted her hands, snapping the man's neck.

As his body dropped she looked at her arm watching as blood flowed from the wound, but her eyes knitted together in confusion as she saw the what type of wound it was.

A bullet wound.

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