Chapter 7: Broken Memories

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"Let me tell you a story." Pharaoh Khotep added. "Once upon a time, me and your mother met long ago and fell in love. We got married and one day, we wanted to have a child. That's when your brother came into the picture. But, me and your mother wanted another child. Khanis also wanted a sibling. So, your mom birthed you into the world. Over the years, I loved and cared for you and your brother. But, over time, I realized that you never spent time with me and there was always a part of me that felt like you didn't care about me. That everything I did for you wasn't enough for you two. So now, I want you to give me something back for all the love and care I gave you both in the past." He stated.

"What do you want?" Khanet asked. "I want Egypt to be mine again." Pharaoh Khotep answered. "Never." Khanet replied. "Fine. Then, I guess I will have to destroy you to get what I want." Pharaoh Khotep replied back. Khanet got up quickly. Pharaoh Khotep then picked up his machete again. Khanet began sword fighting with the Pharaoh. While they continued fighting to the death, Khanis, Anubis, and Anput decided to come up with ideas on how to end the battle.

"Does anyone have any ideas?" Khanis asked. "Nope. I got nothing." Anubis answered. Anput then came up with an idea. "What if we take his mind off by finding something else he loves more than his kingdom?" Anput added. "That's a good idea. But what's the plan?" Khanis replied. "Here's the plan: We brainstorm on things he loves and whichever thing that comes to our mind, we bring it here and show it to him." Anubis explained. "Ok. What does he love the most?" Anput asked.

"Well when he was alive, the thing he loved most was my mom." Khanis answered. "What are we sitting around for? Let's go find her." Anubis added. Anubis prayed to Ra on teleporting them to the Queen. Ra answered the prayer and within seconds, they were there. Anubis then used his ability to raise the dead to help the Queen rise out of her coffin. She came to life and got out of her coffin. She asked "Why are you here?" "We need your help." Anubis answered.

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