Chapter 8: Persuasion is Key To Ending War

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"Help with what?" the Queen then asked. "It's your husband. He is under Evil Anubis's magic and is planning to claim Egypt as his again." Anubis then answered. She then gasped at the thought that her husband was behind this and asked "How can I help?" "We need you to persuade him into not taking over Egypt." Anput replied. "What makes you so sure that he'll listen to me?" the Queen suddenly asked. "Because he loves you more than anything else." Khanis exclaimed. "That's true." She replied back. She began to blush for she felt the same way about her husband. "Alright. I'll do anything to get my husband back." She added. "Good. Let's get him back." Anubis exclaimed. Once again, Anubis prayed for Ra's help in being brought back and came back to the Pharaoh's coffin room of the tomb. "I will never hand over Egypt to you." Khanet growled.

The Pharaoh snarled at what she said and picked her up by the neck, so he could choke her. "STOP!!!" the Queen shouted. The Pharaoh knew that voice anywhere. He put Khanet down and turned around only to find his wife standing there. She walked towards him. "Khotep. It's me. Your wife." the Queen exclaimed. "Gamila. Is that you? Is it really you?" the Pharaoh asked.

The Queen nodded and replied "Yes. It's me, husband." "Listen. You can't take over Egypt nor can you destroy its' people. I know you are under Evil Anubis's dark and evil magic. But, that doesn't mean that you have to go along with it. You could fight against being under his control. Please don't do this. Spend eternity with me instead of doing this. I hate seeing you do all these horrible things to the people and the land." Gamila added. "I can't fight against the magic I'm under. For I do not know how to. It's impossible for me." Pharaoh Khotep explained.

"Yes. You can. You're just afraid to do it." Gamila stated. "Yes. I'm afraid of growing weak and having to pay the consequences if I don't do what I'm told." Pharaoh Khotep replied. "You don't have to be because we will help you through this. If you join us, we will be by your side every step of the way. I say you side with us, we fight against Evil Anubis, and become one happy family again like we used to be." Gamila replied back. "I'll try. But, I can't guarantee that I will be able to fight back." Pharaoh Khotep explained. "Dad. Mom is right. It's just your fear that is making you unable to do this. Face your fear." Khanis added.

"Khanis is right. You should listen to your wife. If you face your fear and fight against Evil Anubis's control over you, then he wouldn't be able to control you anymore and he wouldn't have power over you." Anubis explained. The Pharaoh then tried to be brave and face his worst fear, but was unable to. For he didn't feel like he had the strength to fight off Evil Anubis's possession over him. He began to lose hope in himself. He then gone psycho again and chased after his daughter once more after picking up his machete.

Anubis then shouted "Now what?" Gamila knew what she had to do. She knew her husband more than anyone else in Egypt. Gamila decided to use love as her weapon. She loved her husband and she couldn't come up with any other way to defeat him. "Khotep. Stop this instant." Gamila shouted. As Khotep was about to cut Khanet in half, he heard his wife's voice once again.

He then dropped his machete and walked towards her. He was still possessed, but Gamila was determined that what she planned on doing would definitely work to get her husband back to his normal self.

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