chapter 3

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Carter's POV

We were at Ryan's house now. I hadn't planned on staying here for so long but since my parents were away, my aunt suggested that I stay the weekend with them.

I had been looking forward to having the whole house pretty much to myself, minus my brother Everett and the staff that lived there. But I didn't mind.

It would be cool to spend more time with Alyssa maybe.

Speaking of, my aunt seemed to love Alyssa. Most people do. The two of them had chatted all the way through dinner, and my aunt seemed happy the whole time.

Ryan couldn't stop smiling either. I could tell that he was happy that everyone loved Alyssa. And I was happy that he was happy...I guess.

I'm not gonna lie. I know I said that I didn't care, but I was jealous of him. Not of Alyssa specifically, just that he had this fine ass girl, who he loved and loved him back. That's literally all I want.

It's not that I can't get a girl, because I can. It's just that there's no one I have feelings for. It's mostly a casual thing usually. Alyssa was really one of the only girls that I could see myself falling for.

But that didn't matter. She was with Ryan.
After dinner, Alyssa and Ryan were watching a movie in the den and I was walking past it to the guest room.

Ryan called out to me, "Carter, come here for a sec."

I turned around and stood in the doorway. "What's up?" I said.

"Tell Alyssa she's insane for never watching Star Wars."

My jaw dropped. I looked at her. "You've never watched Star Wars?" I questioned.

She blushed slightly, "Nope," she said.

"Ok Ry," I started, "You guys are gonna have to marathon this weekend."

"Yeah that's the plan," he said.

The conversation seemed over so I turned around to leave, but Ryan stopped me.

"Do you wanna come watch with us?" he asked.

My first thought was to say no because I had already spent enough time watching the two of them together. But I realized I would have to get used to it so I complied.

"Uh, yeah sure," I said.

I sat down on the other side of the couch from them and started to watch.

I noticed Ryan slip his arm around Alyssa's waist. I felt a surge of jealousy when I watched her relax into him.

What the hell is wrong with you Carter? I thought to myself. She doesn't like you. She has a boyfriend. Get over her.

It was easier said than done. I looked over at them for a second. Ryan looked happy. He could be annoying sometimes but I was genuinely happy for him that he had found someone. I just didn't want it to be Alyssa.

I continued watching with them for a little but I noticed it was getting late and I was starting to get tired.

I stood up, "I'm gonna head up to bed," I said.

"Ok, Goodnight," Ryan said.

"Yeah, goodnight guys," I replied.

I looked at Alyssa I was walking out. We made eye contact and she gave me a smile. Thank god it was dimly lit in there so no one could see my blush.

I didn't understand why she made me feel this way. All she had to do was smile at me and I felt like I was going to pass out.

I have literally never felt this way before about a girl. Its always been a casual fling where I end up cutting some girl off.

But I had to push it to the side. It's lust, nothing else. She's just hot. That's it. There are no feelings, she's just hot.

I told myself this over and over and tried to believe it.

But I couldn't. Deep down I knew it was more than lust that drew me to her. But I couldn't allow myself to be feeling this way.

I'm Carter Blake. And I don't fall for anyone, especially girls I can't have.

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