chapter 6

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Alyssa's POV 

When I woke up in the morning I forgot where I was for a second. The light streamed through the glass windows illuminating the hardwood floors. 

It soon hit me that I was at Ryan's house. After realizing that, I remembered how awkward things had gotten between us last night. I still wasn't sure exactly how I wanted to confront that. I wanted to be with him, but I didn't want to take that next step. Not yet at least. 

I couldn't help but blush when I realized what else happened last night. It almost seemed like I dreamt it. I had spent time with, talked to, even been held by Carter Blake. 

Literally everyone at Crest would have an aneurysm if they heard that. It's Carter for Christ's sake. She is the most sought after the girl at Crest. People get her, but only for a few days until she moves on. She never seemed to stick with anyone for more than a few days. 

She had been so sweet with me.  I really hadn't expected that from her. I had seen a side of her that I hadn't even known existed. My face started to heat up remembering the way that her arms had felt around me. 

Wait what? I thought to myself. 

I liked the way that Carter's arms felt around me?

That's insane, I like boys. But there's no denying that Carter Blake could make you think otherwise. 

I pulled myself out of my thoughts to go see if Ryan was awake. I was hoping we could clear the air between us. When I checked his room, however, his bed was empty. 

I walked downstairs and into the kitchen to see if he was there. But it wasn't Ryan who I saw there. 

I almost did a double-take when I saw Carter standing there. She had headphones in and didn't hear me walk in. 

She was leaning against the kitchen island checking her phone. I felt another blush coming on when I looked at her. She was only wearing a sports bra and athletic shorts. And her abs were enough to make any girl go crazy. 

Her hair was pulled up into a ponytail. She had strands of hair that had fallen out of it framing her face. I had to drag my eyes up and force myself to not keep staring at her abs. 

She probably had a better body than most of the guys I knew. And I mean the ones who like to walk around shirtless just to show off. It was incredibly attractive. I tried to push these thoughts out of my mind. 

Just then, Carter noticed me. I had only been standing there for a couple of seconds but it felt like a lot longer. 

She looked at me and smiled. She took one of her AirPods out and greeted me. "Hey," she said. 

I couldn't help but smile back at her. "Hi" I replied. 

She walked over to the fridge and opened it. "How come you're up so early?," she asked me. 

"I always wake up super early," I told her. "Even if I go to bed late" I continued. 

She didn't answer because it seemed like she was intensely looking for something in the fridge. "How about you?" I asked. 

She seemed to hear me this time. "I couldn't sleep so I went on a run. Clears my head," she replied. 

She was looking at the fridge super intently still. "What are you looking for?" I asked. 

"I'm hungry and I want food but I can't cook, and everything in here is stuff I have to cook. All I want is some damn waffles but there is no way that Im gonna attempt to make that." she responded. 

"Don't you have a chef?" I asked. 

"I mean yeah," she said. "But I don't really wanna bother her if I don't have to."  

That's actually really sweet I thought. I would've assumed that most people with a personal chef would have taken advantage of that. But Carter didn't want to bother her early on a Sunday morning if she didn't have to. 

"Here," I told her. "I'll help you, it's really not that difficult. Find me a bowl." 

She just looked at me and turned to go and get a bowl. Soon, I had Carter attempting to use a mixer and it really wasn't going that well. Waffle batter was all over the kitchen counter and she seemed to be having trouble. 

I couldn't help but laugh. "You really are a terrible cook," I told her smiling. 

"Shut up," she said. 

I walked over to where she was and took the mixer from her. "Sit," I said. "If I let you keep doing this the house is most likely going to burn down or something." 

"I haven't even turned on the waffle iron. yet" 

I  grinned. "Exactly." 

All she did was roll her eyes but I swear that I could see a slight smile appear on her face. 

As I made breakfast, we talked. It wasn't hard to talk to her. I was shocked because she didn't seem like the kind of person that I could ever see myself having a regular conversation with. But then again, here we were. 

She was really sweet. She seemed genuinely interested in everything I had to say. She made me laugh. It just felt to simple being around her. And different too. I didn't know how to feel or waht this feeling meant but I couldn't deny that I liked the way it felt. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2022 ⏰

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