The Revenant

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"He's here! He's here!" The man screamed out loud as he ran for his life, trying to get to his comrades. "Help me!"
But before he could even do so, he was knocked out cold by a knife thrown at the back of his head.
"Ramirez? Ramirez! Maldicion (Damn)!" Antonio Martirez cursed in Spanish. One of his men just got killed again, and he doesn't know what, or who did it. The security cameras reveal nothing except dead bodies, and nothing more. His men are dying, and he can't do a damn thing about it. He's their leader, their el jefe. He should be out there, helping out his men in this hustle, but no, his men insisted that he stay and remain hidden and protected in "The Bunker Room," for the threat they are facing is something that has taken down numerous criminal gangs and families across Neo Andromeda city. Some say that this... Thing is a supernatural entity lurking in the shadows, preying on the likes of him and his men. Some say he's a shadow from hell, some say he's a vengeful spirit out for revenge, while others say he's Baba Yaga, the Boogeyman.

But for others, they call him... "The Revenant."

But for Antonio, these concepts are merely nothing but ridiculous fairy tales told to cowardly children. No, this can't be the work of a supernatural entity, Antonio thinks. This has to be the work of a rival gang or family.

Antonio was immediately pulled back into reality after he hears another scream coming from one of the monitors, and the sight he saw was horrifying and unbelievable: a man impaled on his head with a giant spike, a lot of blood oozing out from the man's head. This sight would've made him like, if he wasn't a stone cold man who has seen some very rough times, and has been through those rough times.

In a matter of seconds, more bodies began to pile up, and more of his men are dying.

"Let me out! I need to get out there!" Antonio demanded his guards.

"Forgive us, senior, but our priority is your safety." His bodyguard Miguel replied.

"But my men are dying! What do you expect me to do, just sit here and watch as each of them get massacred?!"

Miguel looks down, unsure of what to reply to his boss.

In anger and frustration, he turns around and punches one of the screens. His men, his family, are dying. He has to do something!

Antonio then turns back around, with an idea in his head.

"Miguel, come here," he tells his bodyguard.

Miguel then approaches Antonio.

"Send in the drones," Antonio ordered.

"But sir, they are still in the prototype phase!" Miguel countered.

"I... Don't... Care! My men are dying! We have to do something, at the very least!" Antonio demanded.

With a nod, Miguel immediately tapped into his comma and gave the order to launch the the drones, specifically, the Combat Assassin Drones (C.A.D.s).

In a matter of just two minutes, the drones were out, ready to strike at anything that moves. They spread out across the area, their black, humanoid bodies camouflaging with the night, while running around in search of their target prey.

From "The Bunker Room," Antonio could see the drones navigate the dark areas of the hideout, their first person camera views (in night vision mode) visible via the camera screens before him.

"Who, or whatever this "Revenant" is, he shall die tonight." Antonio said coldly.

But then, suddenly, one by one, the views of each drone's cameras began fading into static, until eventually, none of them remained. All feeds cut to static.

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