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Life isn't fair. We all know that.

The poor become even more poor, and the filthy rich become even more rich.

The bad guys win, and the good guys lose.

Even though you're a good person, you'll still suffer because you're different.

Things just get worse all the time, and you can't do anything about it.

Makes you wonder if God himself even cares about you.

I was a different person once, a good person, if you'd like to be more technical.

But you see, little did I know that I was not destined for greatness and goodness, but for evil and defeat.

I was destined to become a monster, and I was destined to be the one person who would be the reason why so many innocents would lose their lives.

Guess what? God planned to let that happen.

Says "he couldn't a thing about it even if he wanted to." 

But Death proved otherwise.

He saved me, and turned me into something else.

He made me into something else.

I became a defender, a protector, an executioner of evil, and my fate was changed.

I became... The Revenant.

I became not the monster, but the slayer.

Not the bane, but the hunter.

Now, if there's one lesson I've learned, it's this...

Life isn't fair, but death is.

For death always comes; even for the wicked.

The RevenantDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora