Chapter 1 Hanging out with Jocelyn

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Chapter 1 Hanging out with Jocelyn.

Alex's POV.

There Ty said: to me "Alex, I know you and I are best friends, and you're best friends with my girlfriend, so You can hang out with her when I'm out of Tucson, AZ. Just don't go too far, okay?" I said okay I'll try my hardest not to go too far.

Jocelyn's POV.

Ty said that he'll be out to New Jersey for Minecon, and he said that our best friend, Alex will hang out with me. There Alex came the the door and I hugged him. There I said to him hey, Alex. Live with us, that way we'd be true best friends. There I helped him and he stayed in the second big room. There we gave each other hugs. There Ty and I were happy that Alex was with us. There Ty got in my van, and Alex went with me to the airport There he met with Jordan and Chloe. There they left and we went home.

Alex's POV.

There Jocelyn and I went home. There Jocelyn said: Do you play Minecraft Titan Reach?" Yes. I do. I play for fun. There we played and there Coolio invited Jocelyn to Coolio. There Adroition made us oPlatinum. After we decided to go to the movies. There we saw Alexander and the Very Bad, No Good Day.

There was she let me put my arm around her. There Jocelyn said: "I wanted Ty to leave, because Alex, I secretly like like you." I was shocked. There 10 minutes before the movie. When did you like like me? "2 years before I started dating Ty." Jocelyn said. "Back in High school. I saw you with the girls who were your best friends. That was when I decided to become your best friend, too. I had 4 years, you had 2 more years. And in the last year, I kept seeing with your High school crush, Angelica, and I was sad, and that was when Ty took me as his girlfriend, and that's how we became boyfriend and girlfriend. He made me happy. Then hen you decided to move in, and I was happy on the inside. Alex I really do like like you."

-Time Skip after movie.

That was a hilarious movie. I have one thing to what you said to me: Jocelyn, I like like you too. She hugged me tightly. There she said: "How can we tell Ty? He'll probably be mad at you, Alex". Then out came Katie. There she said: "I liked Ty since the start of High school, but he took you. But since Alex like likes you, I'll take Ty". There we went home and there Katie lived next to us.

Tys POV.

There Jordan, Chloe, and I went to Jordan's car, and he dropped me off at home. There Jocelyn and Alex hugged me. There I was glad that I was home. There I feel your heart beating there, Jocelyn. Something you want to tell me? There she said: "Well, I sort of like like Alex. And he like likes me. There I was surprisespd and mad. There I wanted to fight Alex, but I saw his Slade Stance. Then it came back to me, Alex is still the master fighter. There I took my stuff and left. There Katie became my girlfriend.

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