Chapter 17: Marry Me?

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Don't Play The Song Yet

3rd Person P.O.V.

"So will you let me marry your sister?" "That depends Mikoto. How much do you love her?" "I love Hylia more than the world itself and I want her to be mine forever. I did stupid shit because I love her like when we got in argument and she went to a club I went and got her before she got hurt or when she was meeting you and I thought it was Shu. I went out looking for hours in the cold to make sure she was safe." "You did that for my sister?" "I would do anything for her Subaru. When she met with Shu I was there looking at her to make sure she was safe, it hurt me to see her with him but in the end she stuck with Homra and as I followed her we talked and I kissed her." "You know what Shu did to her?" "Yeah, he cheated on Hylia with some girl that came to your house." "Ok, promise me you won't do that and I'll let you marry her." "I promise you Subaru that she will be the only one I love and I promise to take care of her."

Subaru put his hand out for Mikoto to shake on it and Mikoto took his hand and shook it. "Be good to my baby sister. She hasn't had real love so be aware of her feelings." "I will and thank you Subaru."

"You can call me your brother since you're marrying into our family." "Thanks." The two made their way downstairs and saw Hylia waiting on the couch patiently with her gift for Subaru held in her hands. "What took you two so long? I was waiting here for the past half an hour." "It's a secret Hylie~" "Oh come on that's not fair. Mikoto tell me what you two talked about." Hylia pouted and Mikoto chuckled at her actions before ruffling her hair and kissing her. "You'll find out soon. I promise." "Fine anyway as I was wai-" Hylia was interrupted by the ringing of the bell on top of the door. In came Rikio, Yata, Tatara and the rest of Homra, they were laughing and then spotted Hylia and Subaru."Hey Queen whose this?" "Yata how many times have I told you not to call me that." "You didn't answer my question." "He's my brother Subaru." "Oh you're the one that Hylia's always talking about." "That would be me. Hylie~ I didn't know that you spoke about me often."

"Don't flatter yourself Subaru." "I don't need to. You do that for me already."

The evening was spent with drinking games and making jokes and soon it was time to give each other presents. Yata volunteered to go first and picked up his gift which was a new skateboard with a black and gold Homra design placed in the middle of it. Yata guessed it was Kusanagi which it was and hugged him. "Just don't go using it inside my bar ok?" "Sure thing Mr.Kusanagi." Next was Izumo's turn and he grabbed his present and opened it up to reveal a gold decoration that was from England. Izumo had talked about wanting it a couple months ago to Tatara and guessed it was him. Rikio got a bunch a snacks and a chain from Eric, Eric got a new bat from Yata, Bando got a lighter from Anna and for Anna she got a bunch of Lolita dresses from Mikoto. Next it was Subaru's turn and Hylia handed him his present and spoke to him as he was opening it. "Your mom told me to give this to you. She said that she wanted to give it you herself but.." "She's dead I know."


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