The Accident

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I walked back home as quickly as I could. I hadn't been home for a while because I was sleeping over at a friend's house. The wind blew with fierce strength. I felt the cold air seep through my coat. I walk up to the door and quickly knock before sticking my hands back into my pockets. The door opened and I skipped in smiling at my mother who had opened to door. She looks at my wearily and I know something is wrong. I realize that my hair had not been messed up yet, that only means one thing.

"Where is he?" I demand. She sighs heavily, bad sign.

"Tell me where!" I shout.

"Janet," A voice calls, I know it's him.

I peek into his room and see him sitting on his bed. I rush over and throw my arms around his neck. Jacob is three years older me. Still, he has absolutely no competition when it comes to top best friend. When I told him that I, for once, disliked the fact that he hadn't ruffled my hair when I come through the door, he frowned.

"I couldn't." he states.

"I know I said that I hate it, but I don't really!"

It was then that I noticed that he wasn't looking at me. Instead he was looking slightly to the right. When I told him to look at me, he insisted that he was. It was then that I understood what was going on.

"You can't see," I whimper.

"Please don't cry! You know I'm not good with this emotional stuff." He begged. I couldn't help it. Although I knew he is too dogged to let it get in the way, I also know that certain things we won't be able to do anymore. He realized it as well because he began singing to me softly and stroking my hair. It's kind of the sweet side he only shows to me when I'm scared or upset. I slowly fell asleep with a smile on my face. Even if he is blind, some traditions we have will never be broken.

I woke up to the sound of my brother. "Why did he do that? What did I ever do to him!" Jacob reiterated in anger. He was sitting against the wall a couple feet from the door. I silently walked over to him and wrapped an arm around his neck. I pulled him towards my chest. I gently combed my fingers through his hair while tears of frustration streamed down his face. After a few minutes he calmed down. His breathing slowed and his head fell slightly.

I watched his sleeping figure with sadness. I lay him down on the floor before getting a pillow and quilt from his bed. I stuck the pillow under his head and lay the quilt over his body. I went to the bathroom and washed my face. I could feel how pushy my eyes were. I'm not the prettiest when I cry. When I came out, I curled up beside Jacob, comforting him in a way. His head popped up, breaking my long train of thought. He looked around disoriented.

"It wasn't just a nightmare," he croaked.

"Just life, Jake. I'll be here every step of the way," I said.

"Promise?" He asked, wincing when his voice cracked.

"Promise," I said laying a kiss on his cheek, "what happened?"

"Well," he sighed, and looked at nothing in particular. He began to recount the event.

"I was just sitting there watching some of the other kids from school. The snow was cold, but I enjoyed myself. The snow was soft and pure white as I ran my hands through it. It was then I noticed one of the older kids Chris coming my way. I never liked him, so I stood up to leave. He got to me before I could leave. He began pushing me, asking why I was sitting by myself like the freak I was. When I told him I wasn't a freak, he shoved me onto the lake which had frozen over. He pulled me by my shirt and then threw me back down. At one point he just hit my head on the ice again and again. My vision faded and I blacked out," he recounted what he remembered.

"I didn't think he banged my head hard enough to cause major damage, but apparently he continued to slam my head, oblivious to my unconsciousness. The story goes that another guy came to the lake he saw what was happening. He pulled Chris off of me and then sent someone to get mum. When I woke up it was basically dark. I say a few shadows but I couldn't figure out what they were. The doctor said something about damage to my optical cortex, which apparently is a part of my brain that effects my vision," he took a deep breath and continued.

"When they asked Chris how many times he threw me on the ground he lied, saying he only did it once. He assumed that his group of friends would back him up. They surprised everyone by turning against him. They were actually afraid of him, but he had crossed the line. One said he banged the back of my head into the ice so hard that the ice cracked slightly. He was taken to his parent's house, and no one has heard or seen from him since."

When he finished, I felt tears prick my eyes. We held onto each other silently crying over his pain. I knew dealing with it wasn't going to be easy; but I'd do anything for him so he is happy. Just like he had promised when I was born.

"How long were you knocked out?" I inquired.

"An entire day," he stated.

"That big headed, bossy little..." I insulted Chris in every way I knew how.

"No need to dwell on it," he sighed, "this is going to be awkward but, can you help me go to the bathroom?"

I blinked twice. "Err, I guess." I said and helped him to the bathroom. While he was in the bathroom I stood in front of the door. I sung randomly and out of tune so I couldn't hear anything. Finally, the bathroom door was tapped numerously before the door was opened. He slapped me on the head and told me to shut my mouth. I glared at him and shoved him forward. He let out a squeak before crossing his arms in my direction. I giggled and dragged him into the main living area. Mum was sitting in her rocking chair that father made for her when Jacob was born. When we entered the room she stood and rushed over to us. She gave us each a hung and a kiss like the over protective mother she is.

It was getting dark, so I raced into the kitchen, telling Jacob to come with me. I forgot what had happened on Saturday morning. He awkwardly called out to me. I hurriedly rushed back to him and lead him towards the kitchen. I pushed him onto a chair and began making soup in the heath. At one point I went to a shelf in the corner of the room only to bump into him as soon as I turned around. He spun me around, a smile spread across his face.

"I listened to the sounds you were making and found my way over to you!" He exclaimed excitedly.

"Jacob, that is amazing!"

I began dancing around the kitchen with him. Mum came in to see what we were laughed about. We merely grabbed her hand and dragged her around the room with us. While we were dancing I tripped on my own two feet making me knock into mum, which caused her to knock into Jacob. We ended up on the floor. We laid there in shock before another round of laughter sounded through the kitchen. Just then Papa came home from work. He raised his eyebrow in question. We just shook out heads. Mum told him to go wash up for supper. We calmed down and continued getting ready for dinner.


A/N: Dedicated to carriemystic for being the first to like and comment on my story.

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