Chapter 1- (Sean POV)

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The sun stained my vision through my tiny dorm window as I sat up in bed. What time is it? I leaned over the side of my bed to see my clock on the wall. 7:30. "Shit!", I squeaked out. I was going to be late on the first day of college.
I quickly shoveled books and journals into my bag as the clock ticked, grabbed a granola bar, and sprinted down my dorm hallway. My dorm mate, Lyla, was a responsible student and had already left. I still couldn't get over the fact that we lived out our dream of going to the same college together and being in the same dorm. We would truly always be best friends.
A thin tall man greeted me at the front office, handing me a pastel blue paper with my schedule.
Period 1, English and Poetry Study, Room 1600.
I pointed at the schedule in my hands and faced it towards the man.
"Excuse me this class is on the complete other side of the school!".
"That's not my problem kid, guess ya should of gotten up earlier, huh?", he said sarcastically, tapping the top of his right temple with a blue ball point pen.
I rolled my eyes as I excited the office, only to start back up in a jog.
After about ten minutes of searching the halls for the room, I finally found it. I pushed open the door to find a small class of freshman college students like myself in a very large room. It looked just like rooms in commercials and tv shows, only there were big windows at either side.
I sat myself down next to a thin girl with short brown hair. Her backpack underneath the table read Hannah in bright neon letters.
"W-where's the teacher?", I stuttered.
Hannah looked up at me, realizing that I was talking to her, "Oh I think he's a little late this morning...".
She paused and looked down at her bright pink pencil on the table.
"Just like you.", she poked, pointing a finger at me lightly.
I played with my pen nervously. I had never been to good with teachers. They always had something to not like about me. I was just grateful that the professor wouldn't know I was late, too.
About twenty bodies shifted over to look at the door when the sound of jumbling keys could be heard. My heart beat frantically, and I had know idea why. Maybe it was because I was tired? Or maybe because I wasn't to fond of teachers? Or maybe I was just really hungry? I couldn't figure it out.
   The door opened abruptly, as a handsome pale man walked through. He wore dressy pants and a maroon button up that complimented his short brown dreads adorned with beads and other hair trinkets. As he walked near my isle I noticed a couple face tattoos. My hands aggressively shook.
   He grabbed a dry erase marker and quickly jotted down something on the whiteboard.
Mr. McNamara.
He cleared his throat as his eyes darted across the room at all the students.
"Good Morning class, I am your Advanced Chemistry teacher, Mr. McNamara. If you are in the wrong class please stand.".
Everyone in the whole room stood up including myself, and after a good 10 seconds we understood the joke.
"Just kidding guys, this is English and Poetry study", he revealed with a gesture of his hand.
I laughed and giggled and chuckled loudly, assuming that everyone else had, too, but when I opened my eyes, no one looked amused except Mr. McNamara. He chuckled and we locked eyes across the room.
"Tough crowd, huh? Well except this young man here with the blue flannel.", he exclaimed, pointing at me from across the room. "What's your name?".
"I- uh well uh- my name is Sean Diaz", I sputtered, my hands sweating.
"Sean. What a nice name.", he said turning towards the board and then quickly back to me, as if he had just had an idea. "I like you".
I was aware it wasn't meant in a loving way, but I felt my face get hot and red. I quickly hid it in my sleeves until it went away.

I hope you're liking this so far sorry the chapter is a little small, but it's been awhile since I've written anything on here. Comment if you want more! I'll probably do the next chapter soon❤️

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