Chapter 5- (Sean POV)

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My heart fluttered in happiness and reassurance the whole class period. Finn's blue eyes locked with mine every 5 minutes or so, and every time it forced me to look down at my lap in a flustered panic. I felt as though we had known each other for years, and I trusted him. Finn always seemed laid back, but when he told me he would stand up for me, it made me feel like I had a super power against college dicks. Someone was there for me, right there by my side.
"Okay everyone pack up your things, the bell's gonna ring any minute now. And remember, I'll be absent tomorrow but I'll still be at the school. I just have a meeting.", Finn explained in his usual southern accent.
I got up and packed my bag as the bell rang. Finn stood at the exit saying goodbyes to all the students. When I got to the front, he looked up at me and smiled.
"Can you meet me at the class after school tomorrow? I just need help cleaning up after the substitute.".
"No problem, Finn.".
Finn's eyes shot out of his head for a second, and a couple students behind me looked at us in confusion.
Oops. I forgot that it'd be weird if I called him Finn in front of other students.
Eyes followed me out the door.
O shit.
I made my way to Lyla's class. We usually met up during passing period.
It was still so weird being able to call my teacher by his real name. It made him seem less like a teacher and more like a friend. Or... more.
I stopped walking and shook my head, trying to get the thought out of my head. I tried to repeat what I had told myself earlier.
He's probably straight and married with children.
But he said he was pan.
Well what if he's married?
But he doesn't wear any ring or anything.
That doesn't mean he isn't married.
Shit where was I going again?
My mind resumed working properly as I looked behind me. I had messed up the flow of hallway traffic; People scrambled to get around me like ants in a trail with a pebble in their way.
I sped up my pace and put myself back on the path towards Lyla's class. It's crazy how easily the thought of Finn distracted me from... everything.
Lyla's class wasn't far from my next period so I wouldn't be late, even though I spent a good minute in the middle of the hallway.
As I turned the corner, I caught a glimpse of Lyla in a huge crowd before me, her hand waving frantically to get my attention as the sea of students rocked her back and forth. She finally fought through and stood in front of me.
"What took you so long, I've been waiting for you forever.".
"I guess I got..", my eyes glanced up towards the ceiling trying to think of an answer, "distracted."
   "By whatttt?", Lyla sang, poking a finger in my direction.
   I turned away and looked at the floor.
  "Just uh,", I scratched my neck with my hand nervously "someone.".
  "Someone!?", Lyla shrieked excitedly.
   I couldn't just tell Lyla I was daydreaming about a teacher 24/7. That'd be interesting. What if she got weirded out? I was old enough legally to be with someone I had just turned twenty a couple months previous and Finn looked almost thirty. Teachers and students are forbidden to have any relationships though...
  "Just, um, some kid in my English class..".
  Lyla's face lit up.
  "Oh my god I'm so happy for you! What do they look like? Are they dreamyy?".
  "Noo", I insisted defensively, elbowing Lyla in the side.
   "Sure, Sure.", She said with a smirk, clearly not convinced.
   A sigh of relief went over me when the bell rang for lunch. Math had been particularly exhausting that day. By backpack overflowed with math work as I exited the room and made my way to Lyla and I's usual spot. The clouds spotted shadows across the side walk on the black top, making patterns across the floor.
   Lyla sat at a little picnic bench at the far side of the black top, her grey back pack leaning on her side on the seat next to her.
   "Yo Sean hurry your ass up!", she said giggling , as she moved her bag underneath the table and patted the spot next to her. I sat down and pulled out a peanut butter and jelly sandwich from my bag, taking a big messy bite and wiping my mouth with my jacket sleeve.
   "You better tell me more about this kid in your English class.", Lyla remarked as she pulled out an orange from her bag and started to peal it.
   "Well, um, he's really nice..".
   "Uh huhh.", Lyla mumbled, still pealing her orange, "Go on.".
   "Well, I don't know he's cool and nice.".
   Lyla rolled her eyes.
   "You could be describing half of the students in the entire school that's really broad,", she said, tossing an orange slice into her mouth, "Give me more detail!".
   I paused eating my sandwich and sighed.
   "It's just...embarrassing.".
   "What's embarrassing? Having a crush isn't embarrassing and I'm your friend you can tell me anything.".
   "Well um, his name is Finn.".
   Lyla perked up, "ooooh that's a sexy name.".
   My hands went over my now red cheeks.
   "Yea it is isn't it.".
   Lyla raised and eyebrow at me and popped another orange piece in her mouth.
   "You're seriously catching feelings for this guy aren't you?".
   "Yea I guess I am.".
   Lyla chuckled a bit.
   "You dirty dirty dog.", she teased, throwing a light fist to my shoulder.
   Maybe I should tell her Finn is a damn teacher. She wouldn't think it was weird, right?
   I opened my mouth to say it but the words didn't come out. Lyla seemed confused.
   No you can't tell her now maybe later you've barely said anything about him.
   Lyla continued to jokingly tease me about Finn throughout lunch. I felt as though she'd be to confused if I said he was a teacher. She'll find out the news later.
This is not the end of the chapter but I was just so inspired to pump out a lil more of the story because of how many reads this is getting thank you so much I will continue this chapter it isn't over 💕

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2020 ⏰

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