Chapter 3- (Sean POV)

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   Lyla's face slowly grew into a surprised look.
   "Wait, Sean,", she said slowly, "are you gay?".
   I paused for a moment, my mind thinking of what the hell I was going to say in response to that.
   "Well I think..I think I'm bisexual...".
   We paused for a moment as the whole room spun in silence around us.
   "Sean, I support you and I'm your best friend no matter what.", she looked at me with nervousness, "can I tell you something?".
   "Of course.", I stated, leaning in.
   "I'm lesbian.". (Don't attack me Ik she likes guys in the game but this is an Au.)
   We stood up and hugged for a while, my arms around her shaking shoulders. I wanted to be there for her like she had always been for me. Our sexualities wouldn't change anything.
   "I love you Sean.", She said in a muffled voice, her face buried in my shoulder. I squeezed her harder.
   "I love you too Lyla.".
   I knew I would never leave her side. We needed each other,  and she was a big part of my life. She had changed me for the better.
   After about five more minutes, we parted. I noticed her eyes were teary, but she was smiling. Mine were also teary I slowly realized as a tear trickled down my cheek.
   "Ok,", she sniffed, wiping her eyes, "lemme help you with your homework".
   We laughed at our cheesiness. Lyla usually didn't open up like this, but then again neither did I.
   Lyla was surprisingly good at math compared to the last time she helped me. She knew all the fancy words and what to move to where.
   "When did you get this good at math?", I asked, looking up at her from my homework. She still sat next to me, her oversized hoodie sleeves only revealing the pale tips of her slim fingers.
   "Oh ya know,", she answered, looking down at my homework "tutoring and stuff.".
   She took a red ball point pen and circled the answer 25x on my page. "Are you jealous of my big brain?", She goofily asked.
   "You wish!".
   That night I stayed awake listening to music on my phone. Lyla had already fallen asleep, Guess she had a long day. I didn't blame her. College was exhausting.
   I didn't plan on staying up too late. School was the next day, and being late two days in a row didn't seem like the best start to the year.
My eyes started to flutter shut as I thought about how grateful I was to have such an excepting friend like Lyla.
Lyla and I got up around the same time, and since we both went to the same section of the college we got to walk there together. Walking with her in her light grey sweater and wavy black hair brought me back to the old days of high school. we would walk home to my place on a crisp fall day and smoke cigarettes on my back porch. I missed Washington. It's crazy that we went all the way down to Northern California for college. Time passed by to fast.
We passed by a small corner store decorated with skeletons and jack-o-lanterns. Lyla pulled out ten bucks.
"Wanna go get some Doritos or something?", she asked, holding up the money.
"Ew, I'll have Cheetos.", I chuckled.
"Fine you're so picky.", Lyla teased.
The store interior was Halloween decorated as well, the ceiling full of Sally and Jack piñatas. I walked over to a rack of chips and finally found one last pack of Cheetos behind a row of Ruffles. I examined the bag to check what flavor it was when Lyla came up behind me and poked my neck with her finger.
"Hey c'mon we're gonna be late if ya don't hurry up!", she teased, pulling me by the handle of my back pack.
A short man stood behind the counter rung up my Cheetos, Lyla's Doritos, and a small pin.
"Lyla, what's that?", I questioned, gesturing toward the tiny metal pin on the counter.
"Just a little something for ya.", she answered, putting her Doritos in a paper bag the man handed her, and giving me the Cheetos along with a pin.
As we excited the store, I examined the pin. It read bisexual pride with little purple, pink and blue hearts.
"Thank you, Lyla.", I said looking down at her and smiling.
"No problem man!", she giggled, bumping me with her elbow.
I put the tiny pin on the front of my dark blue hoodie and smiled at it with pride.
Lyla and I parted ways when we got to the front of her classroom, room 350.
My class was pretty far from that, but I had time to spare. The hallways weren't empty, but they also weren't as crowded as they were at lunch. There were your stereotypical people: a blonde couple making out against a locker, two girls vaping, and a group of two guys in black sweaters and gold chains. The group of guys looked like they were a couple years into college, and quite frankly they intimidated me. Passing by them, my eyes panned across everything but them. I wasn't looking for trouble.
"Hey!", one of them called out to me, "Is that one of those gay pride flag pins?!".
The short boy pointed his hairy finger at the tiny pin Lyla had given me that morning. I didn't realize anyone would recognize it. My mind went completely blank as I stopped dead in my tracks, attempting to answer the question.
"Well, uhm, Yeah it actually is...".
"Bro!", the shorter guy said, bumping his taller friend with his pale elbow, "This guy's super gay!".
The taller boy looked me up and down.
"That's super gay man! You're such a fucking fag!".
The boy marched over to me and slapped me across the face. It stung, but I didn't know what to do. I held my face with my hand for a moment with my head down, only to hear a familiar voice shout from the end of the hall.
"C'mon boys leave him alone.", said the voice as it approached. Both boys seemed very apologetic, and walked away.
Foot steps approached me and all I could see was a pair of dark brown dress shoes. My eyes glided up the figure to see who's shoes they were when suddenly my eyes met with the eyes of Mr.McNamara.

I hope you're enjoying this story! Thank you for reading. If you are enjoying this please tell others about it, thank you it would really help. Part 4 will come out soon :)

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