Chapter 2- (Sean POV)

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My mind raced as my sleeves concealed my red hot face. He's a teacher why am I blushing? I bet he's straight and married with children and he's a TEACHER.
I abruptly lifted my head to find the class pulling out school supplies like nothing had happened. No one noticed my little freak out. Thank god.
"I know you're all expecting me to assign an a thousand page essay, but not today. You'll be getting to know your fellow classmates,", he stopped for a moment, calculating his next words,"And I'll be getting to know you", he announced, his eyes locking with mine. I gulped hard. I bet he said that towards everyone.
The rest of class we worked on "About me" pages, asking us basic information about ourselves. I told the truth on all of them, that I love to draw, that I live with my brother and dad back home, and how my best friend is Lyla. As I scanned the remaining questions, my eyes locked on one particular question that I didn't know the answer to.
"My sexual orientation is...".
Why did they even need to know this? I didn't get it, but before I knew it my hands scribbled out the word bisexual.
My heart stopped as my brain registered what I had written down. I wasn't bisexual but I definitely wasn't straight. I liked boys and girls but that didn't make me bisexual, did it?
Mr. McNamara began to walk up and down the isles collecting the papers. My mind was torn in scribbling out what I had written or leaving it.
My pencil was about to touch the page to start scribbling, but Mr. McNamara worn fingers slipped it out from underneath my grasp, the pencil leaving a long line across the page.
He raised an eyebrow at me, probably wondering why I was so desperate to get rid of my response. He looked down at my page, read it, and looked up at me with a warm smile and slightly pink cheeks. It confused me, but also delighted me.
He swiftly turned away from me to collect other papers, occasionally locking eyes with me from across the room.
   At the end of the day after multiple classes, my bag felt like a bowling ball. I practically dragged it through my front door. Lyla is wasn't in her usual comfy chair, probably at one of her soccer tournaments or something.
   I plopped down my bag on my dark blue bed, the sheets messed up from that morning. Homework was not in my favor I realized as I unzipped my bag to find four pages of math homework. Sighing, I pulled it out and plopped it on my desk to begin to work on it. High school homework was pretty bad but this was way worse. My mind raced and a headache started up. I popped two Tylenol pills down my throat to help it. Homework's a bitch.
   After twenty minutes of trying and only completing five problems, my mind collapsed. Pulling out my phone and going on Instagram, I pressed the video call button. Why was she so late? After a couple seconds, Lyla appeared on the bottom split screen wearing one of her big hoodies, her dark brown hair in a messy bun.
   "Hey man, you home?".
   "Yeah, I have been for a while where are yo-".
   "I'm right here!" Lyla shouted, bursting through the door enthusiastically.
   I jumped up in my seat in fear.
   "Got youuu!!", she shouted with pride.
   "You got me!", I snickered.
   "Soo, how was your first day?", Lyla inquired as she slipped off her black vans and climbed up onto her chair.
   "It was good.".
   "That's it?", she asked, rolling over to face me on her chair, "gimme detail! My day was super boring and all my teachers were jerks, I hope you had a better first experience.".
   My day had been pretty boring itself. Just a ton of math homework and a boring improv game in theatre. Well, except for Mr. McNamara. He was the most interesting thing in my day. His smile was just, so... warm. He made my heart flutter whenever I saw his gorgeous eyes-
   Lyla's word interrupted my thoughts.
   "Well, uh, no-",
   "Yes you were! Is it a crushhh", Lyla pried, skipping over to a stool next to my desk and sitting criss cross.
"Well, um, I guess I find him attractive...", I said, immediately covering my mouth with my hands realizing what I had said.
Oh fuck I just came out to Lyla I think.

Hey! I noticed there aren't a ton of reads on here so it would be really cool if we could get to maybe ten on the whole story by the time the 3rd part comes out? It would be super cool if that could happen. Thank you for the people that are reading this I hope you're enjoying it!👨‍❤️‍👨🏳️‍🌈

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