The sound of my alarm going off jolted me from my sleep, I blinked my eyes adjusting to the darkness as I lay beneath my cover. I slip my hand out and smack the clock making a clattering sound as it falls back against the end table. I snuggle deeper into the warmth of my cover; my mind is groggy and my body tired. I didn't really get that much sleep my mind wandered all night, my thoughts on the man and what he was attempting to accomplish?

To be honest it was the way he looked at me before he left that kept me up tossing and turning more than usual on this uncomfortable pull out bed. Every time I closed my eyes I would see his sharp features and dark empty eyes staring at me as if there were more to come. My eyes would snap open every time and I would have to find a new way to lay. I sat up the cover falling from my body and the chill of the air swept across my exposed flesh making me shiver. It was still dark outside as I reached for the lamp to turn on the light. I shield my face as the brightness momentarily disorients me. I stand from the bed and stretch the sound of my bones popping lets me know a hot shower is needed to loosen up my muscles and hopefully relax my mind. I pull the cover from the bed folding it up and placing it on the table. I push the bed in and replace the pillows, pick up the cover and put it back in the hall closet. I make my way down the hallway and head into the bathroom turning on the light. I grab my toothbrush and toothpaste from the medicine cabinet, I brush my teeth twice reciting the alphabet before spitting and rinsing my mouth out. I close the bathroom door, take my shower cap from the hook and place it on my head. I stick my arm in the shower to check the temperature before stepping in. I let the heat of water relax me as I breathe in the rising steam. Once I wash myself, I stand under the spray a rinse the soap from my body. I turn off the water and push back the shower curtain grabbing my robe from the door hook and putting it on. I leave the bathroom and head back to the living room I walk over to the TV stand and pull out one of the canvas cubicles grabbing me under garments. I push that one back in and take out another grabbing my scrubs. I was a cna at river oak nursing home, it wasn't what I wanted to do but it paid well so I got over it. Once dressed I went to the kitchen and made breakfast for my mother and myself. It was nothing special just sunny side up eggs and toast. I sat some aside for Ms. Cora as well she would be here in a little while. I went to my mother's room ready to wake her up, but she was already sitting up in bed watching the morning show.

"How long have you been awake?" I ask from the doorway

"I heard you in the hallway when you first walked through. I couldn't fall back to sleep."

"I'm sorry I'll try to be quieter."

"honey it's fine, it's not a big deal." she says turning back to the tv.

"I have breakfast ready; I'll bring that in for you and Ms. Cora will be here shortly." I leave the room and bring her breakfast back to her. Once I have her settled I go eat mine in the kitchen. I quickly finish my food remembering that I need to take my hair down. I rinse my plate and leave it in the sink and head back down the hallway to the bathroom. I untie my scarf and hang it on the hook. I'm untwisting my flat twist when I hear a knock at the door. For a moment my thoughts wander back to last night. Shaking my head to clear my thoughts I leave the bathroom and go answer the door.

"Hey sugah. How's your mother doing today." Ms. Cora is a sixty something year old woman that likes to get her freak on. At least that's what she says to me and I assume she's in her sixties because she's retired and won't tell me anything other than that. According to her a woman has to have some secrets. She looks good for her age, whatever that may be.

"Hi Ms. Cora, looking fabulous as usual. It looks like it's going to be a good day for her. She was up when I went to wake her up.

"Child you know I like to help the needy. Gotta give them something to look at. You go on finish getting ready I can't let you use the car today if your mother is feeling up to having some fun today.

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