I opened my eyes to complete darkness. My body stilled as I held my breath trying to figure out what was going on. I never slept in the dark I always slept with the tv on, but this wasn't even my bed. It was too soft, this wasn't even my room. That's right that stupid man kidnapped me. The thundering in my chest made me remember I was still holding my breath. I slowly release it and did a few more breaths until my breathing was back to normal. The last thing I remember is falling asleep at the foot of the bed, I was under the covers now. Someone had to move me under here. I highly doubt it was that scumbag asshole. Could it have been the lady I saw at the door it was possible she had a few inches on me and a little more weight. The gurgling sound coming from my stomach reminded me that I hadn't eaten since breakfast yesterday. Not that anyone bothered to even feed me, and I did force myself to sleep away the reality that this was going to be my new life as his... what was I going to be to him anyway? And why didn't I try to find a light switch when I first came into this room? I freaking hate the dark. Oh that's right forced against my will. Yet another good reason to hate that prick. I wasn't moving a muscle until I found a light, so I was going to have to starve until then. I looked up to see if there was a light fixture or something but couldn't make out anything over the canopy. I looked to my left to see a lamp on the bedside table. I sent a silent prayer up to whoever was giving me small miracles slowly I sat up and reached my hand up to twist the knob. Light engulfed the room blinding me for a moment, I blinked a few times letting my eyes adjust to the sudden brightness.

This room is incredibly big I slide out of the bed and make my way to one of the doors I saw earlier. I twist the knob and pull. It's an unnecessarily large closet like everything else in this room I close the door and go to the other door on the opposite side of the bedroom. Opening the door some of the light spills in slightly illuminating the light switch. I flip the switch and the room is engulfed with light. my jaw hits the floor the bathroom is beautiful. This whole room alone most likely cost more to build than my mom's hospital bills. I step further inside a claw foot tub sat beneath a large round window elevated on a marble base. Next to the tub was a shower encased in glass. It looked super complicated there were several buttons and shower heads coming from different places. Is this what the upper class live like? I left the room there was just too much going on. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a figure I nearly let out a shriek of terror until I realized who it was. Not that I liked him or anything, I didn't want to be thrown into anyone's car again once was more than enough.

"What are you doing?" I ask in a breathless whisper holding my heart. "How long have you been standing in the corner like some sort of creepier version of you than you already are."

"I don't owe you any explanations. However, I saw your light flick on and came over to see if you wanted food." He walks over closer to me the light illuminating his features. No one should be that beautiful and have such a horrible attitude.

"Yes, food would be nice thank you."

"Oh, so you do have manners?"

I can feel my skin prickle in anger. Keep cool McKenzie he is crazy, just play along.

"Indeed, I do."

"Good girl come with me to the kitchen." He places his hand on the small of my back making me follow in his footsteps. I stop because I have no clothes on, and there is no way in hell I'm leaving this room without having clothes.

"I don't have any clothes on."

"It doesn't matter."

"It matters to me. I'm not walking around your house naked."

"You're not naked you're wearing this unflattering bra and panty set. Keep it up and those will be gone as well."

"It turns out that I'm not hungry at all. Thanks anyway." He was being unreasonable, not that he had been reasonable with me to begin with.

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