1- The Heir Finally Wakes

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I walk through the many cloisters and corridors that are known as Ezera's palace. I had been called earlier this morning to greet the Heir of the Covenant, Ras Elclare. I am just outside when a messenger comes up to me.
  "General Vildred, I have a message for you."
I look at the small child messenger. "Who sent it?"
  "Your wife, sir." The child bows and extends a letter to me.
I gingerly take the envelope and tear it open. I unfold the parchment and read what has been scrawled on it.

My Beloved Vildred,
I hope you get this letter. Whenever you finish work, hurry home. I felt sick earlier and have scheduled to see a soul weaver once you get home. I love you so much. Please don't worry. I think I know what's wrong.
—— Tauren

What?! What does she mean?!
  I don't have time to process her words when Queen Diene, alive and well, arrives.
  "General, have you seen any sign of Ras?"
I shake my head. I look back at the parchment in my hand.
"What troubles you, Vildred? Is everything alright?" Diene's voice is coated in concern.
"I have just received a letter from my beloved Tauren. That's all." I fold the letter up and shove it in my pocket.
Diene tilts her head. "How is Tauren adjusting to Ezera? Is she homesick?"
Possibly. I mean, she is an elf from Dun Blyreia. She had fallen in love with me while I was completing a mission there. I told her not to come, but she insisted.
I clear my throat. "I don't think it's that. Tauren said she felt sick earlier this morning. And I think I heard her throwing up last night. She has scheduled to go see a soul weaver when I return home from here." I turn away from Diene. I don't want to worry myself to death about Tauren.
My wife wouldn't want that. Tauren has always been worried about me and it wears on her.
  "Queen Diene, my apologies for being late. I had to deal with a certain matter regarding my guardian." Ras Elclare strides up to us as if we are all friends.
I was no friend of his. I lost many friends and family because he slept through the entire Archdemon War.
All of it was his fault— it still is his fault.
Knowing I wouldn't be able to restrain myself, I turn to Diene. "Please excuse me. I feel that the best thing for me to do is go and check on Tauren."
"But you're still in uniform. Usually you change clothes before you go home."
I look down at myself. I was indeed still in my uniform.

          "Queen Diene, I have just thought of a reason Tauren might be sick

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"Queen Diene, I have just thought of a reason Tauren might be sick. Your words helped me," I quickly lie. I turn on my heels and stride out of the palace.
Everyone was going to be celebrating Ras' awakening later.
Tauren needed a soul weaver immediately. She wasn't going to be able to see one later.
I hastily walk along the road to get to my house. I stop when I see Tauren's parents waiting.
Her parents are the legendary elves Elkanen and Harmonia. They are very traditional. When they heard their daughter married a human, they weren't all that happy.
I walk up to them. "Hello. How may I help you?"
"Are you General Vildred of Ezera?" Harmonia flings her brown hair over her shoulder.
  "Yes. And this is my house." I gesture to the small building.
Elkanen clears his throat. "We want to see what you've done to our daughter." He crosses his arms and glares at me.
I reach out and grab the door handle. I pull on it as I say, "Elkanen, I haven't harmed Tauren. She is fine. I would never hurt her. Please trus—"
  "VILDRED!" Tauren's voice cuts me off.
I run inside and straight to our bedroom. "Sweetheart, what's wrong?"
Elkanen and Harmonia must've followed me. They run to Tauren's bedside before I can.
  "Mother, father. Why are you here?" Tauren is sitting up in bed. She is still in her nightgown.
  "Darling, what has that human done to you?" Harmonia reaches to pull the covers off Tauren's lap.
Tauren pulls them closer to her. "Stop. Leave me alone," she hisses.
I have never seen her acting like this. I march past the overprotective parents and kneel down beside Tauren. I cup her cheek with my hand. "Honey, tell me what's wrong. You never act like this."
Tauren starts crying. "I should've noticed it earlier. I should have. I'm so stupid." Tears pour down her cheeks.
Elkanen growls, "What has this human done to you?!" He yanks the covers off Tauren.
My wife screams and crawls to my side of the bed.
I see what she was hiding. Barely, but I see it. I reach a hand out to her. "Tauren, come here. I won't hurt you... or the little one."
Tauren scans the room. She must feel like a trapped animal. Tauren slowly crawls out of bed and stands, mostly hiding behind me.
Harmonia yanks Tauren towards her. "Don't tell me he's forcing you to spawn more humans."
Elkanen pats Tauren down. He scowls at his daughter. "You're coming with us. Only the heir of the covenant can cleanse an elf in such a condition."
I clench my fists. I am not letting Ras get near my precious Tauren. I push Elkanen away from Tauren. "Sweetheart, let's go to a healer." I gently take her hand and lead her outside.
The townspeople are talking about Ras and how there is so much hope. They have faith in Diche and in hope.
My own faith dwindles. I don't know what to think of what's going on around me. I honestly don't. I hear a voice in the back of my mind.
The Heir has failed you. The goddess has failed you. There is no hope left. Join me and I shall restore all that you deserve.
I feel someone shake my shoulder.
"Vildred. Vildred. Vildred!" Tauren's voice drags me away from my thoughts.
  "What is it?"
"You were spacing out just now. Is everything okay?" Tauren frowns.
I force a smile. "I was just thinking about everything."
Tauren narrows her eyes. "That's not it. I know how much you hate the Heir of the Covenant. What were you really thinking about?"
I know Tauren will ask until she gets a clear answer. "All the times the goddess and her heir failed me. When Kise died. When the entire clan of nocturnes died. When Ruele was killed. I feel like it's all his fault." I slump my shoulders.
    Tauren places a hand on my shoulder. "Vildred, you cannot despair over things that happened twenty years ago. I understand how you feel. Many elves died in Dun Blyreia. I know your pain and suffering all too well. Perhaps it's time for you to let it all go."

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