5- The Archdemon's Might

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      Morning shines upon me from the bedroom window. It lights up the entire room.
      I sit up and look beside me.
      Tauren is curled up. She slowly opens her eyes and looks up at me. "There you are."
      I smile. "Here I am." I reach out and stroke her hair.
      Are you ready to use the blade of truth I have given you?
      Am I? I look down at Tauren. I want to protect her and my unborn son. I have no other choice. I must allow Kayron to help me. I sigh. I wish there was another way.
          But Ras can't be trusted with the fate of the world. He will not be allowed to destroy this seventh world. Ras failed with all the others.
          Haha. I see. You truly do understand the truth. Ras led everyone to their deaths and later he didn't wake in time and still led the world to its doom. I promise that no harm will come to Tauren, your son, or yourself. Trust me.
           I trust Kayron. I must if I want to save this world and all that lives in it.
          "Vildred. Vildred."
          I blink and smile at Tauren. "What is it?"
          She lifts a hand and cups my cheek. Tauren strokes it with her thumb. "I love you. I want you to know that I have faith and trust in you. I know you will do what your heart tells you is right. I also trust that you will protect our family," she tells me. Tauren sits up. She snuggles closer to me.
          I hold her close. "I promise. I will save this world. I already have a plan."
          Tauren rests her cheek on my chest. "Can you tell me what it is?"
          Can I? I swallow the lump in my throat. I have a plan, but it's one that's a little risky. I look at Tauren and sigh. "It's risky, but there's a high chance it will work. I know you may not like it, but it's all I have right now."
          Tauren tilted her head.
          I calmly tell her, "I need to be just a little bit stronger. I must infuse myself with the Archdemon's might in order to gain enough power. I will then channel it to do good. I will use the power to do good."
          Tauren thinks for a moment. "That makes sense. I've seen such things before and I've read about them. If the goddess' power can be used to do evil, surely the Archdemon's can be used for good," she turns to me and smiles, "Vildred, you are a genius!" Tauren kisses me passionately. She pulls away to get a breath and then continues the kiss. Tauren barely lets me breathe.
      I gently push her away. "My darling, I must get ready for work. And I want you to rest and take care of yourself. Promise me?"
       Tauren smiles and nods. She goes off to the kitchen.
      I smile. I get out of bed and get dressed. I'm wearing the same uniform I always wear. I look the same as I always do.
       But something is different about me today.
      I feel stronger. I feel confident. I feel like I'm in control for once and not dancing to the tune of Ras' fiddle. I'm pleased.
       Tauren comes back in the room with my breakfast. "Come and eat before you go." She sets it on the bedside table.
       I sit on the bed and eat. "Please don't overwork yourself."
       "I won't. I promise I'll be careful. Believe me." Tauren bends down slightly and kisses my forehead. She smiles as she takes up my dishes.
           I stand and approach Tauren from behind. I wrap my arms around her waist and nuzzle her hair. "I will protect you. I promise," I tell her. My hands slide down to her stomach. I make a vow deep in my heart that I will protect Tauren with my blade of truth. I will cut down anyone who attempts to harm her.
           Tauren turns and kisses me. "You better hurry. You don't want to be late for work."
           I exchange one last smile with my beloved before leaving my house. I walk down the dirt road into town, heading towards the palace.
      My goal is simple: gain the Archdemon's might and infuse it into my own body— make it my power.
      Vildred, you know what to do and you know where it is. Offer to take Ras and Diene to the sanctum where the Archdemon's might is held in Ezera. Once there, offer to scout ahead. I shall guide you to the shrine.
      I know what I must do. Even if I must go against Queen Diene, I have to beat Ras to the shrine. I already know where the sanctum is. I just have to follow Kayron's instructions once I'm inside.
       When I arrive at the palace, Ras and Diene are already standing outside the entrance. They seem to be in a deep discussion.
       I plaster a smile on my face as I approach them. "Good morning, my queen, Ras," I greet them. I continue to stroll inside.
      "General Vildred," Diene calls, "may I ask a favor of you?"
       I stop in my tracks and turn around. I know what she's going to ask and I already know my answer.
       "I was just going to take Ras to the sanctum. Would you be willing to accompany us as a guard?"
       I bow. "It would be an honor to do so." I quickly join them, falling into step just a little ahead of them. I quietly lead them through the village and to the sanctum. It's then I hear them.
        Fiends of all sorts start to close in on us.
        I put a hand up. "Wait. I sense fiends nearby. Ras, guard Queen Diene. I'll scout ahead and cut down any fiends I see to clear a path." I don't wait for him to reply. I simply unsheathe my sword and start cutting down every fiend I see.
        The closer I get to the sanctum, the more fiends there are.
        Just as I thought, the barrier protecting the sanctum and sealing the Archdemon's might is weakening.
        The Archdemon's might is awakening. It's drawing the fiends near, it's power strengthening as the barrier weakens.
        You're almost inside. Once inside, follow my power you shall be able to sense it easily as you have a connection with me. You shall find me at the altar in the shrine room. Come and get the power you are destined to hold.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2021 ⏰

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