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Hey guys! Erick's book is finally up 🤧🤯😬

This is something pretty mature but I will never ever go very explicit on something so horrible like rape etc. so yeah. Consent will always be a priority when or if I write smut.

Yes this is related to the Zabdiel story but this is taken place way before Isabella comes in or he even sees her. This is based on the beginning of Erick and Juliana's relationship and in the Zab book they fell in love while they were teenagers.

So enjoy ❤️

No leave me alone!" I yelled as I struggled against the two men. "She's going to be so annoying." One told the other. I bit his hand and he cursed and slapped me across the face. "You're going to regret that." He said darkly.

I was taken from my home after watching a movie with my friends. It was late, maybe 11 pm. I was walking home alone but I had my pepper spray, I didn't bring a wallet or purse. I just had my phone and the right amount of cash I needed. I probably only had five dollars left.

I was wearing some shorts and a t shirt tucked in, as well as some sandals and my long hair was in a ponytail. I had mascara on as well as some lipgloss because my parents don't like me wearing a lot of makeup.

But here I am now.

I was abused and used. No longer pure. I'm sixteen. No child or person deserves a life like this. "Come on Juliana, get your head in the game!" I was elbowed by another girl who was in the same situation as me. "If you don't get a John tonight then Francisco will kill you this time." She said and I sighed. I had my hair in high pigtails and I was wearing something pink and too revealing for my liking.

I saw a man coming out of a liquor store and I decided to make my way to him. "Hola papi cómo estás?" I asked and I swayed my hips. I tried not to trip in these ugly heels. He looked up and down my body and he had a smirk. "Muy bien princesa. Puedo ayudarle con algo?" He asked, I leaned against his dusty car. "I want to know if you want to have a good time." I crossed my arms over my chest to make them look bigger.

He looked down and he licked his lips. "How old are you?" He asked, "sixteen." I responded. "Aren't you a little young?" He asked, "Ageism is offensive. Come on, daddy. Age is just a number." I shrugged and I twirled my pigtail with my finger. He chuckled, "You're pretty smart. Let me guess, you like politics and equal rights for women?" He asked, "Do you want a good time or not? Don't waste my time." I rested on one leg and popped out my hip. He was hot, not gonna lie but I needed money or else I might die.

"How much?" He asked, "$250 an hour. $1000 a whole night." I said. "Can you even last that long?" He asked and opened the car door for me to enter. In reality I can't but these aren't my rules. They all use me anyways. They never care. No one has ever pleasured me. "As long as I'm consenting you can do whatever you want until the clock strikes 12 am." I said. "I like the sound of that." He said. I looked out the window and I saw the other girls there, they all looked miserable just like myself. "So who's your pimp?" He asked.

I stayed quiet and I held onto whatever he got at the liquor store. "What's your name?" I asked, "You're not from here." I said, "I'm Zabdiel." He told me and I nodded. "Yours?" He asked, "Juliana." I said and he nodded as well. "How long have you been doing this?" He asked, "A couple months." I mumbled, "What about school? Your parents?" He asked, "What are you? My therapist?" I scoffed.

"Pull over I don't wanna deal with this shit." I said and I undid my seatbelt. His hand gripped my wrist before I could. "Don't." He said and I let go. My heart started racing as he started driving farther and farther away. "How far do you live?" I asked, "We're almost there don't worry. What time do you need to be back?" He asked, "six am." I said and he nodded. "Perfect. I'm keeping you all night then." He said and I sighed.

We reached to a fancy mansion and I was shocked, he didn't look like the kind of guy to own or live in such an estate. I need to make sure I do even better so I can get a good tip after. "I'm only staying for another week then I'm going back to Puerto Rico." He said and I nodded. He waltzed in and I carefully walked in behind him.

"Finally what took you so—who's this?" We heard and I turned and saw a boy around my age with beautiful colored eyes and caramel skin. He's so beautiful. "Threesomes is something I don't do." I stepped back and this Zabdiel dude started laughing. The colored eye boy looked confused. "She's a...ya know.." Zabdiel mumbled and I rolled my eyes. "I'm a prostitute, a hoe, a slut, a thot. It's whatever." I shrugged.

Colored eye boy kept staring at me and I wanted to cover up even more, he looks intimidating. "I didn't think you were into...escorts..she looks young—excuse me miss how old are you?" He asked me. "Sixteen." I said and his eyes widened. "You're so disgusting, she's a little kid what the fuck dude." He scolded Zabdiel.

"She's not my type, you know I like darker chicks. I feel like she's good for you but I don't want you guys to do anything. She's tired and miserable. Look at her. Are you hungry?" He asked me and I was so confused. "I'm sorry but I can't be here unless I get paid." I mumbled. "You'll get paid don't worry." Zabdiel grabbed my wrist and dragged me to the kitchen. "Sit." He guided me to the table. The pretty eyed boy came back with a shirt.

"Here you can wear this to feel more comfortable." He gave me a small smile. "T-thank you. Um...I don't understand—why am I here?" I asked. "You're a kid. Kids don't deserve to be pimped. Who's your pimp?" Zabdiel asked and placed an ugly looking sandwich in front of me. "I don't have a pi—"

"Bullshit!" Mr. colored eyes yelled out of nowhere and I jumped in my seat frightened. "You shouldn't yell that was uncalled for." Zabdiel said and handed him an ugly sandwich. He just stared at me, I looked at the shirt and I placed it over my head. It was warm as if it just came out of the dryer.

"Erick go serve her juice or something." Zabdiel said. So that's his name, Erick.

It's a handsome name for a handsome boy.

"Who is your pimp?" Erick asked and he handed me..Sunny D? "I—why do you want to know?" I asked, "We're looking for a guy who owes us, he's disappeared and we know he pimps girls." Zabdiel said. "Owes what?" I asked, "Money...what else?" Erick said and I made an 'o' with my mouth. "Is his name Francisco?" I asked, "Yeah it could be him, he goes by Pancho." Erick said. "Yeah that's him." I said and they looked at eachother and fistbumped.

"So how did you get into this?" Erick asked and I bit my sandwich and closed my eyes in delight. I haven't eaten since yesterday morning. Francisco doesn't want us to gain weight so we can stay appealing to men. The birth control pills make us gain weight but we don't have any nutrients in our system. Many girls get sick easily and some have died.

"Wait let her enjoy her sandwich foo. Who knows how long the poor thing got a good meal." Zabdiel said. "It's fine.." My voice cracked so I cleared my voice. "I was taken while walking home from the movies a couple months back. I had pepper spray but I couldn't fight off two grown men." I said and they both frowned. Why am I opening up to them when I don't know them?

"When you guys finish your sandwich Erick will show you where you can sleep for the night. I got to go I have another meeting to get to." Zabdiel said. My heart started racing I didn't want to stay here by myself with Erick. Wait why am I trusting Zabdiel so easily then?

Before I knew it Zabdiel was gone and Erick was silently eating his sandwich. I finished and I wanted to use the bathroom. "Do you have a bathroom?" I asked, "A bathroom? Of course we do." He said with a chuckle and I facepalmed. "I mean like can I use it?" I asked, he finished his sandwich and he put our plates away in the dishwasher. "Yeah the room you'll be staying at has one in there so you can shower." He said and I followed him up the stairs. "Okay thank you again." I said and he opened a door with a big fluffy bed. He let me walk in and he turned on the lights. Am I in heaven?

"Goodnight...what's your name?" He asked, "J-Juliana." I said and he smiled. "That's a beautiful name, Juliana. It suits you." He said and closed the door and I was alone in the room.

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Yass the Erick book is finally up! I hope you like it!!!!!!!

Tell me what you think???

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