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I woke up to my phone alarm ringing and I opened my eyes. I was warm and curled up in a fluffy blanket on this big fluffy bed. When was the last time I got a good nights sleep?

I got up and changed into some different clothes I had in my bag. It wasn't as revealing as yesterday but it was still pretty tight on my body and a little short. I showered last night so I just had to do my hair and my light makeup. When I finished I checked the time and it was 5:30 am. I just need to leave and make it back to mango street by six and I won't get in trouble.

I packed my bag and I heard the strumming of a guitar downstairs I carefully made my way down so I can sneak out and go back to Francisco or else he'll find me. That's why I have this ugly Apple Watch looking bracelet. It's a tracker.

I saw Erick sitting on the couch playing on the guitar. His back was towards me. I can easily sneak out and I'll make it in time if I walk. I had my bag on my shoulder, my ugly tall heels in my hand and I carefully made my way down the steps. The strumming sounded so pretty and I would love to listen but I would rather leave to live another day then die after listening to a pretty song.

"Oh ya despertasteis?" I heard and i muttered a curse word. Zabdiel was eating an avocado toast and he was walking out of the kitchen, that's how he saw me. "Ya me tengo que ir." I said quietly, "Thank you both for everything, I haven't had a good rest in a while. I made the bed again and I made sure I didn't leave a mess." I said quickly. "Are you in a hurry? I was waiting to have breakfast with you." Erick said and he walked closer to me. He was waiting for me? Why is my heart fluttering? "I need to be back by 6. It's 5:45." I said. "You can eat in the car then." He smiled and grabbed a plate from the counter with avocado toast and eggs. He grabbed my hand and pulled me out the front door. Is corny if I say our hands fit perfectly together?

"Be safe! Use protection!" Zabdiel yelled and I glared at him. He gave me a thumbs up and I was so confused. Before I knew it I was sitting inside Erick's car eating while he drove. Soft spanish ballads played on the radio and I was inspired to write a bit. When I finished I placed the plate in the backseat and I took out my small journal, I look out the window and I saw the people opening up their shops and people riding their bikes.

I wrote something small down on the journal and Erick cleared his throat. "What is that?" He asked, "It's a journal...I like to write poetry." I said somewhat embarrassed. "Aww that's cute, can you read me something?" He asked I looked at him and he glanced at me with a cute smile.



"It's private, this is the only privacy I have." I admitted. "I understand, I'm sorry." He sounded so sincere. Before I knew it we were back on Mango street. It's 5:55 am, Francisco will be here in exactly five minutes. I see the other prostitutes leaning against the wall and they all were looking at me. "I should leave, thanks again for everything. It means a lot." I said and I unbuckled my seatbelt I was about to open the door but he stopped me. "Wait, your money. I don't want you getting in trouble." He said, "A-are you sure? I can just say you robbed me or something. It's not the first time it happens—" "and let those nosy ass chismosas rat you out? Nah, how much again?" He asked, "A thousand...." I mumbled, "A what?" He asked, "A thousand." I spoke louder and he nodded and opened his wallet. "That's $1600." He told me. "I only need a thousand." I told him. "How much does he take from what you earn?" He asked, "$850." I said quietly. "Keep it." He told me and I nodded. "Thanks Erick.." i smiled softly. "No problem." He smiled back. I reached into the bag and I took out my journal. "Here read it. It's too embarrassing to read outloud so I'd rather you read it yourself." I said as I got out.

He quickly rolled the window down, "When do you want it back?" He asked, "Just keep it to remember me." I shrugged and I saw the van. "I got to go." I said quickly and left before he had the chance to say anything else.


"Who was that? You left with one guy but came back with another? I thought you had an all nighter with just one. If he finds out you went on multiple without telling Francisco he'll find out since you only gave him the thousand." Some chismosa said, "I had a threesome." I lied, "A threesome? How? You don't like those." She squinted her eyes at me. "What are you guys fighting about now?" Francisco walked in, he was an ugly middle aged man with a big beer belly. He was counting all the cash he recieved from all the girls. There was about nineteen of us but only sixteen made it by six am. The other three will be hunted and killed or hunted and punished.

"Your little Juliana came with a different man she left with. She said it was a threesome." She snitched. "Then why did you give me a thousand? Where's the other seven hundred?" He asked, "What do you mean seven hundred?" I asked, "Threesome all nighters are different than regular all nighters. He's missing his extra cash." She sassed. "I thought it was the same price I swear." I said.

"Where's my seven hundred?" He was starting to get angry. "I—I have it in my bag let me go get ah—!" I yelled and he pulled my hair and dragged me to his office. "You lied to me?!" He yelled, "No I didn't I told you I didn't—"


He quickly went through my bag that was on my shoulder and he took out everything. "W-what are you doing? I need that to eat!" I said and I held my cheek, it stung and it was red. My eyes were getting watery, he shook his head. "You lied so you're starving tonight. Maybe that'll teach you a lesson. Be grateful that you're my favorite." He said. "I told you I didn't—"

"Shut up and come here before I make you."

He believes I have aids so he doesn't do anything except he makes me do other things. I don't want to go full into details.

The way he pulled my hair was painful, he was so rough.

After getting cleaned up we were out on the streets to do our thing again. I lowkey regretted giving Erick my journal. Now I was alone leaning against the wall with nothing to do. I had a little over $500 in my wallet from what I earned today and I was so tempted to get something from that liquor store across the street but this is Francisco's money. I hoped Zabdiel was there again so I can get some free food one last time.

As if god answered my prayers a car stopped right in front of me, it looked familiar but I couldn't put my finger on it. The passenger window rolled down but I couldn't see the face. He whistled and I made my way over, he was just another John.

I was shocked to see Erick. "Hop in." He smiled and I smiled back. "I'm sorry—why am I here again?" I asked as we pulled up to the mansion, "we gotta plan Francisco's death. You are our little mole." He said cooley. He opened my door and he helped me out. "I don't know Erick. He's really smart and we have chismosas everywhere." I said. "Don't worry, you won't have to do much." He said and guided me up the stairs to an office. Zabdiel was sitting on the couch and he was typing away at a laptop.

Erick cleared his throat and Zabdiel looked up, "What's up Juliana?" He smiled and he gave me a small hug. "Nothing much..." I mumbled and I sat on the couch opposite of him. "Is that a bruise?" Erick asked as he put a strand of hair behind my ear. I didn't notice he was so close. That was so embarrassing, being a prostitute was so embarrassing. Especially in front of some handsome guy.

Am i catching feelings for him already?

I covered my neck and I looked away. "Yeah before you picked me up this last guy was a little rough." I shrugged and Erick sighed and stepped back.

"Before you ask questions Erick and I are drug dealers so I don't want it to come as a shock. Your pimp owes us money so I need to copy your tracker thing so I know where you are at so we can bust it down. I need you to draw us a map and tell us how many other girls are there. How many dudes he has and everything." Zabdiel said, "Before we start that do you guys have some food?" I asked, "Yeah are you hungry?" Erick asked, I nodded embarrassed "Someone told him that I left with one guy but came back with another but turned in my money as if I had an all nighter with only one person. I lied and said I had a threesome so he got upset and he took the rest of my money as a punishment. I haven't eaten all day." I said. "Don't worry pizza is on the way." Zabdiel patter my knee and he gave me a sad smile. "Here's a blanket." Erick layed it over me and they gave me a piece of paper and a pencil.

I could have a chance of freedom if I trust these men.

Should I take it?

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Sorry if it's a bit wack some real fluff will be coming soon 🌝

KIDNAPPED: ERICK BOOK IIIWhere stories live. Discover now